
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 17:4, December 1996

printing press

Accumulated lists across all of TUGboat: by author/people, by category/keyword, by title.

Complete issue 17:4 as one pdf (1.7mb) 
Front cover   c1 
Inside front cover   c2 
Title page   333 
Editorial information   334 
Addresses   335 
TUG'97 Update   336 
General Delivery
The state of TUG 
  Michel Goossens 
Editorial comments 
  Barbara Beeton 
    A historical perspective;     The Kyoto Prize for Knuth;     Recommended reading: Why things bite back;     Why does a lion represent TeX?
Amsterdam, 13 March 1996—Knuth meets NTG members   342-355 
CSTUG, Charles University, Prague, March 1996—Questions and answers with Prof. Donald E. Knuth   355-367 
Computer typesetting or electronic publishing? New trends in scientific publication 
  Philip Taylor 
Software & Tools
Making indices for VINITI's “Mathematics” abstract journal 
  S.A. Strelkov, G.R. Epshtein 
TeX and Russian traditions of typesetting 
  Mikhail Ivanovich Grinchuk 
TeX and the Humanities 
  Christina Thiele 
Book Review
The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe, by Elizabeth L. Eisenstein 
  Jonathan Fine 
Suggestions wanted for new edition of Math into LaTeX 
  George Grätzer 
PPCHTEX molecule templates 
  Dirk Kuypers 
Les Cahiers GUTenberg, Nos. 21–24   397-403 
News & Announcements
Calendar   403-405 
Late-Breaking News
Production notes 
  Mimi Burbank 
Future issues   405 
TUG Business
Facts and Figures 
  Mimi Burbank 
Institutional members   409 
TUG membership application   410 
TeX consulting and production services   411 
Index of advertisers   411 

TUGboat 17:4, December 1996 (issue 53)   [generated 2024-09-12]
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