
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 26:2, 2005

printing press

Accumulated lists across all of TUGboat: by author/people, by category/keyword, by title.

TUG 2005 Proceedings (Wuhan, China)

If you're not already a member, we hope you'll consider joining TUG or another TeX user group, to support these publications, conferences, and other TeX projects.

Complete issue 26:2 as one pdf (4.7mb) 
Inside front cover   c2 
Contents ordered by difficulty   c3 
Title page   105 
Conference Notes
TUG 2005 conference program, delegates, and sponsors   106 
Highlights of TUG 2005 
  Robin Laakso      [Introductory — conference report and comments from attendees]
TUG 2005 conference photos   110 
Typesetting Chinese: A personal perspective 
  Wai Wong      [Introductory — survey of movable type printing in China, past and present]
XeTeX, the Multilingual Lion: TeX meets Unicode and smart font technologies 
  Jonathan Kew      [Intermediate — extending TeX with Unicode and OpenType/AAT support, currently for MacOSX]
Hóng-Zì: A Chinese Metafont 
  Javier Rodríguez Laguna      [Intermediate — composing CJKV characters from reusable parts]
Qin notation generator 
  Candy L.K. Yiu, Jim Binkley      [Intermediate — composing notation for the Qin musical instrument with MetaPost]
SwiExr: Spatial math exercises and worksheets, in Braille and print 
  Nandan Bagchee, Eitan Gurari      [Intermediate — producing elementary math exercises (addition, division, etc.)]
Typesetting the Byzantine Cappelli 
  Philip Taylor      [Intermediate — complex sorting of TeX text; maximum width analysis]
LuaTeX: Howling to the moon 
  Hans Hagen      [Advanced — embedding the LUA scripting language in TeX]
Converting Metafont sources to outline fonts using MetaPost 
  Karel Píška      [Advanced — towards optimal Type 1 outlines from Metafont fonts]
Moving from bytes to words to semantics 
  S.K. Venkatesan      [Advanced — SenseTeX and Lojban: Working with unambiguous semantic words]
TUG 2005 abstracts 
  Nelson Beebe, Jin-Hwan Cho, Klaus Höppner, Hong Feng, Chris Rowley, Philip Taylor 
Calendar   170 
TeX Collection 2005 (TeX Live, proTeXt, MacTeX, CTAN)   174 
EuroTeX 2006 announcement   175 
TUG 2006 announcement   176 
TUG Business
TUG membership form   172 
Institutional members   173 
TeX consulting and production services   173 

TUGboat 26:2, 2005 (issue 83)   [generated 2024-09-12]
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