
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 3:2, October 1982

printing press

Accumulated lists across all of TUGboat: by author/people, by category/keyword, by title.

Complete issue as one pdf (2.7mb) 
Addresses of officers, authors and others   
Official announcements   
General Delivery
The TeX logo: An important note   
Report on business meetings, TUG Summer meeting, Stanford University, July 25–27, 1982 
  Susan Plass 
General Delivery   4-7 
TUG Summer meeting and TeX82 short course, Stanford University, July 25–30, 1982 — Program and Attendees   5-7 
An informal interchange format for TeX files 
  Pierre MacKay 
Introduction to TeX and TUG for new users 
  Ronald Whitney 
TeX82 memory structure 
    Regarding the chart on page 13, the smaller blocks in the middle are scaled relative to their executable (code) size, while the larger blocks are scaled relative to the size used in the global data memory. An updated chart appears in TeX: The Program, and analogous remarks apply.
Software   13-19 
The format of TeX's DVI files 
  David Fuchs 
Output Devices
Output devices 
  Rilla J. Thedford 
Site Reports
News from Stanford 
  David Fuchs 
Site Reports   20-23 
Fixes to known bugs in TeX370 
  Susan Plass 
TeX installation at the University of Michigan 
  Paul Grosso 
VAX/VMS site report 
  Monte Nichols, David Kellerman 
“small” TeX
Editor's introduction 
  Lance Carnes 
A Fortran version of Metafont 
  Sao Khai Mong 
Warnings & Limitations
Charting the generation gulf 
  Barbara Beeton 
Font codes in popular use 
  Calvin Jackson 
Editor's introduction 
  Lynne Price 
TUGboat macro index   27-28 
Multi-column output format 
  Barbara Beeton 
Some TeX programming hacks 
  Leslie Lamport 
Unblocking an AmSTeX tape 
  Barbara Beeton 
Paragraphs in tables 
  Mark Blanford 
Hanging punctuation   38 
Late-Breaking News
TUG 1982 Treasurer's Report   39-40 
TUG financial reports 
  Samuel B. Whidden 
TUG 1983 Budget   40-41 
Membership application and order form 
TeX and Metafont Errata 
TUG membership list 

TUGboat 3:2, October 1982 (issue 6)   [generated 2024-09-12]
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