
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 33:1, 2012

printing press

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Complete issue 33:1 as one pdf (4.2mb) 
Front cover   c1 
Inside front cover   c2 
Contents ordered by difficulty   c3 
Title page   
General Delivery
TUG 2012 announcement   
Ab epistulis 
  Steve Peter      [Introductory — group membership category; software; conferences; book reviews]
Editorial comments 
  Barbara Beeton      [Introductory — typography and TUGboat news]
    Don Knuth, reprise;     An alternate view of CTAN;     Linotype: The Film;     Barriers to effective communication: Jean-luc Doumont;     Kern it!;     A wonderful use of old books;     The Plantin-Moretus Museum in Antwerp
Hyphenation exception log 
  Barbara Beeton      [Introductory — update for missed and incorrect U.S. English hyphenations]
In memoriam: Tony Siegman, 1931–2011 
  Bruce Armbruster, Jeannie Howard Siegman 
Typographers' Inn 
  Peter Flynn      [Introductory — titling and centering; beaten into submission; afterthought]
Lucida OpenType fonts available from TUG 
  Karl Berry      [Reports and notices — announcement of the new Lucida OpenType font family, including math]
The Amiri typeface 
  Khaled Hosny      [Introductory — development and status of this new Arabic typeface, a revival of the Bulaq Press design]
Biber—the next generation backend processor for BibLaTeX 
  Philip Kime      [Intermediate — advanced sorting, name processing, and much more for bibliographies]
Electronic Documents
XeLaTeX and the PDF archivable format 
  Claudio Beccari      [Intermediate Plus — generating PDF/A with XeLaTeX and Ghostscript]
Avoid eqnarray! 
  Lars Madsen      [Intermediate — reasons for avoiding and alternatives to the eqnarray environment]
The unknown picture environment 
  Claudio Beccari      [Intermediate — the original, powerful, and simple drawing environment for LaTeX]
The apa6 LaTeX class: Challenges encountered updating to new requirements 
  Brian Beitzel      [Intermediate Plus — implementing the 6th Edition APA formatting, especially citations]
Glisterings: Timelines; parsing a filename 
  Peter Wilson 
Some LaTeX2e tricks and tips (V) 
  Luca Merciadri      [Intermediate — numbering paragraphs; MATLAB graphics and code; customizing makeindex]
LaTeX3 news, issues 6–7 
  LaTeX Project Team      [Introductory — LaTeX3 team expands; `big bang'; LaTeX3 on GitHub; deforming boxes; TeX-based regex engine; xparse improves; galley; relationships between document items]
Software & Tools
User-friendly web utilities for generating LaTeX output and MetaPost graphics 
  Troy Henderson      [Intermediate — online previewers for LaTeX, MetaPost, and function graphing]
TeX on Windows: MiKTeX or TeX Live? 
  Joseph Wright      [Introductory — quick comparison of the two biggest free TeX distributions available for Windows]
Generating barcodes with LuaTeX 
  Patrick Gundlach      [Intermediate Plus — a worked-out example of Lua-to-TeX communication]
OpenType fonts in LuaTeX 
  Paul Isambert      [Advanced — introduction to and exploration of OpenType internals]
         Example font.
ConTeXt: Updating the code base 
  Hans Hagen      [Advanced — the further evolution of ConTeXt, detailed module by module]
Computing the area and winding number for a Bézier curve 
  Bogusław Jackowski      [Advanced — mathematical derivations and Metafont/MetaPost code for these operations]
Three-dimensional graphics with PGF/TikZ 
  Keith Wolcott      [Advanced — mathematics and code examples for drawing surfaces of revolution, satellite orbits, sphere intersections]
         Article source.
Book Reviews
Book review: Trees, maps, and theorems, by Jean-luc Doumont 
  Pavneet Arora      [Reports and notices — review of this book on effective communication]
Book review: Design for hackers, by David Kadavy 
  Boris Veytsman      [Reports and notices — review of this modern introduction to design]
Book review: Companion to the Papers of Donald Knuth 
  David Walden      [Reports and notices — review of this ninth volume, completing the series of Knuth's papers]
Hints & Tricks
The treasure chest 
  Karl Berry      [Intermediate — new CTAN packages, November 2011–March 2012]
Eutypon: Contents of issue 26–27 (October 2011)   121 
Die TeXnische Komödie: Contents of issues 4/2011–1/2012   121 
Asian Journal of TeX: Contents of volumes 4–5 (2010–2011)   122 
TeX consulting and production services   124 
TUG Business
Institutional members   126 
TUG financial statements for 2011 
  Karl Berry 
Calendar   128 

TUGboat 33:1, 2012 (issue 103)   [generated 2024-09-12]
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