
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 4:1, April 1983

printing press

Accumulated lists across all of TUGboat: by author/people, by category/keyword, by title.

Complete issue as one pdf (3.7mb) 
Addresses of officers, authors and others   
Official announcements   
General Delivery
Library subscriptions—What are they?   
General Delivery   4-6 
Users' Course in AmSTeX 
  Michael Spivak 
TUG financial reports: 1982 TUG Treasurer's Report; 1983 TUG Budget 
  Samuel B. Whidden 
TeXhax summary 
  David Fuchs 
Output Devices
Chart: Output devices and computers   10 
Output Devices   10-13 
Index to sample output from various devices   10 
Low-cost downloadable font devices 
  Nelson Beebe 
TeX on the OSP130 
  Patrick Ion, Bill Hall, Rilla J. Thedford 
Sample output from Florida Data OSP 130   13 
Site Reports
News from all over 
  David Fuchs 
Site Reports   14-23 
TeX on the HP-1000 
  Irene J. Bunner, John D. Johnson 
Unix TeX site report 
  Richard Furuta, Pierre MacKay 
Porting TeX to VAX/UNIX 
  Pavel Curtis, Howard Trickey 
TeX at the University of Washington: Tops-20, Unix, Versatec, and the Monolithic 
  Pierre MacKay, Richard Furuta 
VAX/VMS site report 
  Monte Nichols 
TeX at Calma R& D 
  David Krapp 
TeX at Texas A& M University 
  Norman Naugle, Bart Childs 
“small” TeX
Editor's introduction 
  Lance Carnes 
Pictures are just big letters 
  Scott Guthery 
Computer calligraphy 
  Georgia K.M. Tobin 
Announcement: Fifth ATypI Working Seminar, The computer and the hand in type design: The aesthetics and technology of digital letterforms   33 
TUGboat macro index 
  Lynne Price 
How to build a \strut 
  Barbara Beeton 
Determining hashtable size and other quantities 
  Barbara Beeton 
Some layout macros 
  August Mohr 
Testing the widths of a font 
  Robert M. McClure 
Hanging punctuation   39 
Letters et alia
How to obtain TeX82 on tape 
  Maria Code 
Announcement: Manipulation de Documents—Journées Francophones   40 
TeX as a programming language? 
  Tony Siegman 
Textset, Inc.—A service for TeX users   43 
Quality Micro Systems—Lasergrafix 1200   44 
TeX82 order form   45-46 
Membership application and order form   47-48 
TeX and Metafont: Errata and changes 
TUG membership list 

TUGboat 4:1, April 1983 (issue 7)   [generated 2024-09-12]
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