
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 40:2, 2019

printing press

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TUG 2019 Proceedings

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Complete issue 40:2 as one pdf (9.1mb) 
Front cover   c1 
Inside front cover   c2 
Contents ordered by difficulty   c3 
Title page   97 
TUG 2019
TUG 2019 conference information 
    organizers, sponsors, participants, program, photos
TUG 2019 conference program   99 
TUG 2019 photos   100 
Back to the roots: TUG2019 in Palo Alto 
  Henri Menke 
    conference report
TUG 2019 Annual General Meeting notes 
  Jennifer Claudio 
General Delivery
What do today's newcomers want? 
  Jim Hefferon      [Introductory — what new TeX users are working on and what hurdles they have]
Software & Tools
Type 3 fonts and PDF search in dvips 
  Tomas Rokicki      [Intermediate Plus — encodings for Metafont fonts in dvips output to enable PDF search]
The state of XeTeX 
  Arthur Reutenauer      [Introductory — comparison with LuaTeX and prospects for the future]
Hyphenation patterns: Licensing and stability 
  Arthur Reutenauer      [Intermediate — compatibility, updates, and licensing for hyphenation patterns]
MacTeX-2019, notification, and hardened runtimes 
  Richard Koch      [Intermediate Plus — automated signing, notarization, entitlements for MacTeX-related packages]
Quickref: Common Lisp reference documentation as a stress test for Texinfo 
  Didier Verna      [Intermediate Plus — automated building of global documentation for the Common Lisp ecosystem]
Combining LaTeX with Python 
  Uwe Ziegenhagen      [Intermediate Plus — both writing (La)TeX from Python and running Python from LaTeX]
Parsing complex data formats in LuaTeX with LPEG 
  Henri Menke      [Advanced — introduction to parsing expression grammars in LuaTeX, with example of parsing JSON]
Design into 3D: A system for customizable project designs 
  William Adams      [Intermediate — computer-controlled manufacturing using MetaPost and TeX]
Electronic Documents
The design of the HINT file format 
  Martin Ruckert      [Intermediate Plus — a new TeX output format intended for on-screen reading, including reflowing and repaging on demand]
TeXFolio—a framework to typeset XML documents using TeX 
  Rishi T, CV Rajagopal, CV Radhakrishnan      [Intermediate — overview of workflow and features of the cloud-based texfolio.org]
Neptune—a proofing framework for LaTeX authors 
  Aravind Rajendran, Rishi T, CV Rajagopal      [Intermediate — features of this web-based proofing and editing program]
The LaTeX release workflow and the LaTeX dev formats 
  Frank Mittelbach      [Intermediate Plus — regression testing, user testing, and new pdflatex-dev etc. formats]
Accessibility in the LaTeX kernel—experiments in Tagged PDF 
  Chris Rowley, Ulrike Fischer, Frank Mittelbach      [Intermediate — the experimental tagpdf package and plans for generation of accessible PDF by LaTeX]
Creating commented editions with LaTeX—the commedit package 
  Boris Veytsman      [Intermediate — making teacher's and student's books from one source]
Creating and automating exams with LaTeX & friends 
  Uwe Ziegenhagen      [Intermediate — customized exams, grading, and variable question generation with Python]
BibTeX-based dataset generation for training citation parsers 
  Sree Harsha Ramesh, Dung Thai, Boris Veytsman, Andrew McCallum      [Intermediate — improving citation structure recognition by training with large BibTeX databases]
FreeType_MF_Module2: Integration of Metafont, GF, and PK inside FreeType 
  Jaeyoung Choi, Saima Majeed, Ammar Ul Hassan, Geunho Jeong      [Advanced — rendering Metafont, GF, and PK fonts on demand from within FreeType]
Multilingual Document Processing
Evolutionary changes in Persian and Arabic scripts to accommodate the printing press, typewriting, and computerized word processing 
  Behrooz Parhami      [Intermediate — concise overview of Arabic/Persian typesetting, typewriting, and modern digital display]
The unreasonable effectiveness of pattern generation 
  Petr Sojka, Ondřej Sojka      [Intermediate Plus — developing a free word list and improved hyphenation patterns for the Czech language]
Improving Hangul to English translation for optical character recognition (OCR) 
  Emily Park, Jennifer Claudio      [Intermediate — investigation of a gray ratio method to distinguish English syllables in Korean from true Korean]
A glance at CJK support with XeTeX and LuaTeX 
  Antoine Bossard      [Advanced — reasonable Chinese/Japanese/Korean typesetting with minimal code]
TUG 2019 abstracts 
  Amine Anane, Takuto Asakura, Erik Braun, Jennifer Claudio, Emily Ha, David Fuchs, Federico García De Castro, Shakthi Kannan, Doug McKenna, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Shreevatsa R, Yusuke Terada 
    Videos for accessibility talks.
MAPS: Contents of issue 49 (2019)   204-205 
ConTeXt Group Journal 2018   205 
TeX consulting and production services   206-207 
TUG Business
Institutional members   207 
Calendar   208 

TUGboat 40:2, 2019 (issue 125)   [generated 2024-09-12]
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