
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 44:2, 2023

printing press

Accumulated lists across all of TUGboat: by author/people, by category/keyword, by title.

TUG 2023 Proceedings

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Complete issue 44:2 as one pdf (22mb) 
    Videos for all talks.
Front cover   c1 
Inside front cover   c2 
Contents ordered by difficulty   c3 
Title page   153 
TUG 2023
TUG 2023 conference information and program   154-156 
A rally in Bonn: TUG 2023   (doi) 
  Eileen Wagner 
TUG 2023 Annual General Meeting notes   (doi) 
  Karl Berry, Robin Laakso 
What every (La)TeX newbie should know   (doi) 
  Barbara Beeton      [Introductory — rundown of basic knowledge, common errors, extra spaces, debugging, and more]
Architectural guides for Bonn—book production with ConTeXt   (doi) 
  Henning Hraban Ramm      [Intermediate — design, layout, maps, print modes, images, covers, and many illustrations]
Calculating covers with ConTeXt   (doi) 
  Henning Hraban Ramm      [Intermediate — step-by-step practical examples of creating covers with ConTeXt]
New dimensions: Edith and Tove   (doi) 
  Willi Egger, Hans Hagen, Edith Sundqvist, Mikael P. Sundqvist      [Intermediate — two new metric dimensions and a device with which to determine them]
Producing different forms of output from XML via ConTeXt   (doi) 
  Thomas A. Schmitz      [Intermediate Plus — making slides, handouts, etc., from a single source, using ConTeXt modes and Lua]
LaTeX news, issue 37, June 2023   (doi) 
  LaTeX Project Team      [Intermediate — new tagged PDF functionality; extending hooks; \BCPdata; \samepage, \label improvements; more]
Beamer news: 2023   (doi) 
  samcarter, Joseph Wright      [Introductory — a selection of user-visible improvements to Beamer in recent years]
Updating the nostarch class   (doi) 
  Boris Veytsman      [Intermediate Plus — handling unusual url, chapter opening, and caption requirements]
The LaTeX template generator: How micro-templates reduce template maintenance effort   (doi) 
  Oliver Kopp      [Intermediate Plus — separating writing from knowledge of packages, classes, tools]
On bottom accents in OpenType math   (doi) 
  Hans Hagen, Mikael P. Sundqvist      [Intermediate Plus — existing behavior and proposals for handling bottom math accents]
A Metafont for rustic capitals   (doi) 
  Victor Sannier      [Intermediate — fully parameterized Metafont design using Vergilius Vaticanus as a reference]
An updated survey of OpenType math fonts   (doi) 
  Ulrik Vieth      [Intermediate — comprehensive summary of character coverage and more, with examples]
Standardizing OpenType math fonts   (doi) 
  Mikael P. Sundqvist, Hans Hagen      [Intermediate Plus — italic corrections, accents, rules, primes, parameters, and other OpenType and Unicode math difficulties]
Behind the scenes of the Great TikZlings Christmas Extravaganza   (doi) 
  samcarter, Gert Fischer      [Intermediate — using LaTeX with video tools to create the annual animation]
Curvature combs and harmonized paths in MetaPost   (doi) 
  Linus Romer      [Intermediate Plus — visualizing curvature and making curvature continuous]
Software & Tools
Using Asymptote like MetaPost   (doi) 
  Jim Hefferon      [Intermediate — workflow methods to help get started with Asymptote]
Interactive and real-time typesetting for demonstration and experimentation: ETAP   (doi) 
  Didier Verna      [Intermediate Plus — GUI and programmatic access to algorithms and parameters for line breaking]
Living in containers—on TeX Live (and ConTeXt) in a Docker setting   (doi) 
  Island of TeX      [Intermediate Plus — container usage examples and infrastructure for current and historic releases]
News from the HINT project: 2023   (doi) 
  Martin Ruckert      [Intermediate — better glyph display, links and outlines, searching, HINT viewers]
Bumpy road towards a good LaTeX visual editor at Overleaf   (doi) 
  Ben Davies      [Introductory — overview of redesigning the code and visual editor duo]
Overleaf and TeX Live deployment   (doi) 
  Tom Hejda      [Intermediate — overview of the yearly deployment of the TeX Live release at Overleaf]
Primo—A new sustainable solution for publishing   (doi) 
  Rishi T, Apu V, Hàn Thế Thành, Jan Vaněk      [Intermediate — a cloud-based system with authoring, submission, and proofing tools]
Automated tagging of LaTeX documents—what is possible today, in 2023?   (doi) 
  Ulrike Fischer, Frank Mittelbach      [Intermediate Plus — many, though not all, “Leslie Lamport Documents” can now be tagged automatically]
Report on the LaTeX Tagged PDF workshop, TUG 2023   (doi) 
  David Carlisle, Ulrike Fischer, Frank Mittelbach      [Intermediate Plus — tagged PDF overview and tools, adapting existing packages, handling tables]
Enhancing accessibility of structured information via `Tagged PDF'   (doi) 
  Ross Moore      [Advanced — using CSS with HTML derived from PDF to meet WCAG recommendations]
Electronic Documents
An HTML/CSS schema for TeX primitives— generating high-quality responsive HTML from generic TeX   (doi) 
  Dennis Müller      [Advanced — discussion of translating TeX primitives in the RusTeX engine]
Hints & Tricks
Cheats (or not): When \prevdepth = -1000pt   (doi) 
  Hans Hagen      [Advanced — explaining and generalizing the sentinel value for \nointerlineskip]
Multilingual Document Processing
A roadmap for universal syllabic segmentation   (doi) 
  Ondřej Sojka, Petr Sojka, Jakub Máca      [Advanced — Judy array and Unicode support in patgen, to generate universal hyphenation patterns]
Metafont/MetaPost and a complex Indic script: Malayalam   (doi) 
  CV Radhakrishnan, KV Rajeesh, KH Hussain      [Intermediate Plus — implementing an aesthetic Unicode-compliant Malayalam font, with many illustrations]
TUG 2023 abstracts   (doi) 
  Patrick Gundlach, Island of TeX, Eberhard W. Lisse, Frank Mittelbach, Vít Starý Novotný, samcarter, Jan Šustek, Joseph Wright 
ArsTeXnica: issue 34 (May 2023)   317 
La Lettre GUTenberg: issue 50 (2023)   317 
ConTeXt Group Journal: 15th meeting (2021)   318 
Die TeXnische Komödie: issue 2/2023   318 
Zpravodaj: issue 2023/1–2   319 
The gods smile at me: The LaTeX Companion, Third Edition, and ChatGPT   (doi) 
  George Grätzer      [Reports and notices — summary of the book for general users, and ChatGPT's usefulness]
         See the TUG books page for all book reviews and discounts.
Book review: The LaTeX Companion, 3rd edition, by Frank Mittelbach with Ulrike Fischer   (doi) 
  John D Lamb      [Reports and notices — review of this monumental new edition of the LaTeX documentation mainstay]
TUG 2023 advertisements: STM Document Engineering Pvt Ltd; Overleaf   325 
TeX consulting and production services   326-327 
TUG Business
Institutional members   327 
Calendar   328 

TUGboat 44:2, 2023 (issue 137)   [generated 2024-09-12]
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