
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 8:3, November 1987

printing press

Accumulated lists across all of TUGboat: by author/people, by category/keyword, by title.

News & Announcements
Call for papers: TUG Annual Meeting, Montréal, 22–24 August 1988   c3 
Complete issue 8:3 as one pdf (7.7mb) 
Title page   254 
Editorial information   255 
Addresses   255-256 
General Delivery
From the President 
  Bart Childs 
General Delivery   257-262 
The Volunteer Tree 
  Rilla J. Thedford 
Book publishing using TeX 
  Charles-Michel Marle 
TeX training, etc.—A TUG meeting trip report 
  Laurie Mann 
From the Editor 
  Barbara Beeton 
Proposed minimum standards for TeX distributions 
  Bart Childs 
TANGLE modification causes problems in Metafont and PK files 
  Thomas J. Reid 
Hyphenation exception log   266-267 
Update: Metafont mode_def settings for TeX output devices 
  Doug Henderson 
Halftone output from TeX 
  Adrian Clark 
Generating an APL font 
  Aarno Hohti, Okko Kanerva 
Output Devices
TeX output devices (with charts) 
  Don Hosek 
DVI driver considerations for high-volume printing systems 
  Thomas J. Reid 
\special issues 
  Glenn Vanderburg, Thomas J. Reid 
Site Reports
TeX information for users in the U.K. 
  Graham Toal 
TeXhax Notes 
  Malcolm Brown 
Site Reports   301-304 
6th Meeting of the “TeX-Interessenten” in Germany 
  Joachim Lammarsch 
Atari ST site report 
  Klaus Guntermann 
Data General site report 
  Bart Childs 
Typesetting on PCs
Running TeX on a 386-based computer: Twice as fast as an AT 
  Mitch Pfeffer, Alan Hoenig 
Request for contributions to a new publication 
  Peter Flynn 
What constitutes a well-documented macro? 
  Christina Thiele 
Macros for Jill 
  Donald Knuth 
Floating figures at the right, and Some random text for testing 
  Thomas J. Reid 
Contents of LaTeX style collection as of 15th September 1987 
  Ken Yap 
The LaTeX user's column 
  Jackie Damrau 
Reply: Printing out selected pages 
  Jeffery Boes 
Title formatting macro wanted 
  Stephen C. Lipp 
News & Announcements
Calendar   328 
News & Announcements   328-330 
Exeter University: TeX88, 18–20 July 1988   329-330 
TUG Business
Institutional members   331-332 
TUG membership application   333-334 
Advertisements   335-352 
Index of advertisers   352 
Computers & Typesetting: Errata and Changes, Supplement 
TUG Membership List Supplement 

TUGboat 8:3, November 1987 (issue 19)   [generated 2024-09-12]
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