Permissions for publication of TUGboat submissions

Submission of a new manuscript to TUGboat implies permission to publish the article, if accepted, on the TUG web site, as well as in print. If you have any reservations about posting online, please notify the editors at the time of submission.

As of fall 2023, submission also implies permission to be indexed in the EBSCO (a large subscription management company) databases. We made this agreement with EBSCO to provide visibility to TUGboat articles in this different venue. TUG will (most likely) receive no royalties from this; EBSCO will probably make some money via aggregation of all their journals, advertising, etc. There is no sublicensing of TUGboat content.

Submission of new material to be presented at a TUG conference also implies permission to publish as a preprint in the TUG conference program, as well as in the proceedings.

Ordinarily, we include authors' email addresses and physical addresses, as given in the manuscript, for both the print and online versions. We slightly obfuscate email addresses for online posting. If you have concerns along these lines, please let us know.

Authors of TUGboat articles retain copyright to their own work, and thus it is their right to use any such article as they see fit, e.g., to their own web site, or on CTAN, or to publish with another journal, under any license they wish.

Please contact us with any questions, concerns, or requests.

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