
Some font suppliers provide fonts which can be used freely but they disallow charging money for the distribution. Hence, for distributions on CD or DVD it is usually impossible to include these fonts.

getnonfreefonts is a script which downloads and installs these fonts.


See the manual page for more information.

Download and Installation

In order to install getnonfreefonts on your system, you need write access to the TeX Live system tree.

Alternatively, if you prefer the command line, run

   texlua install-getnonfreefonts
Some systems (Mac OS X, BSD) provide curl instead of wget. In this case type
   curl --remote-name
   texlua install-getnonfreefonts


After successful installation you can run
   getnonfreefonts --sys --help
   getnonfreefonts --user --help
In order to install fonts you have to invoke either
     getnonfreefonts --sys [other arguments]
     getnonfreefonts --user [other arguments]
Consult the manual page. There is no program getnonfreefonts-sys anymore.

Other TeX Live Distributions

If you installed TeX Live yourself from, then getnonfreefonts will be installed as it were part of TeX Live itself. If the installer is invoked on Windows, it installs getnonfreefonts for Windows only, otherwise for all platforms.

If you are using a TeX Live distribution which is part of your Unix system, the getnonfreefonts installer avoids to interfere with the system's package manager. In this case only one platform will be supported. The program will be installed at /usr/local/bin, the manual pages at /usr/local/share/man, and the PDF version of the manual page at $TEXMFLOCAL.

Font Packages supported by getnonfreefonts

Package Fonts
arial-urw URW Arial (A030)
classico Classico
dayroman Day Roman
gandhi Gandhi
garamond GaramondNo8
garamondx GaramondNo8 Expert
lettergothic LetterGothic
literaturnaya Literaturnaya
luximono Luxi Mono
vntex-nonfree ClassicoVn and GaramondVn
webomints Webomints


  1. In this document URW is used as a synonym for URW++ Design & Development.
  2. The official name of URW Arial is A030.
            /FamilyName (A030) readonly def

Supported Fonts and their Licenses

All fonts provided by getnonfreefonts can be used freely even in commercial environments. Licenses of these fonts restrict distribution.

Font Font Foundry TeX Support Files License
URW Arial URW Walter Schmidt AFPL
Classico URW Bob Tennent AFPL
ClassicoVn URW, Hàn Thế Thành Hàn Thế Thành AFPL
Day Roman Apostrophiclabs Walter Schmidt other-free
Gandhi Librerías Gandhi S.A.    Bob Tennent nosell
GaramondNo8 URW Walter Schmidt AFPL
GaramondNo8 Expert   URW, Michael Sharpe Michael Sharpe AFPL
GaramondVn    URW, Hàn Thế Thành Hàn Thế Thành AFPL
LetterGothic URW Walter Schmidt AFPL
Literaturnaya Paragraph Vladimir Volovich, Anatoliy Malyarenko nosell
Luxi Mono Bigelow & Holmes Walter Schmidt other-free
Webomints Galapagos Design Maurizio Loreti unknown


  1. All TeX support files are under LPPL. Licenses stated in the table are the most restrictive ones of a particular font package. They refer to either the fonts themselves or, in case of derived fonts, to the original fonts.
  2. Licence types in italics refer to the TeX Catalogue.
  3. ClassicoVn and GaramondVn are part of vntex-nonfree.

getnonfreefonts Policies

First of all, please note that the purpose of getnonfreefonts is not to violate licenses. The opposite is the case.

Many poeple asked me to include additional fonts and in most cases I had to disappoint them.

The minimum requirements are:

  1. Most font vendors don't allow to distribute documents containing their fonts completely. TeX Live is configured by default to insert only subsets of fonts into generated files. Therefore getnonfreefonts accepts fonts with this restriction.

Additional Remarks

It's advisable to check from time to time whether a new font or an update is available:

    getnonfreefonts --user|--sys --lsfonts

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Date: 2021-07-21 20:34:35 UTC Reinhard Kotucha