How you can help in the TeX community

(If you're looking for help with using TeX, rather than ways to contribute, please see the getting started with TeX page.)

One way to help the community that we recommend to everyone is to join TUG or another TeX user group. This helps support the infrastructure of TeX and the TeX world. Or, if you prefer, make a donation.

The other items on this page are specific tasks we know of that need volunteers. If you have time and willingness to help with one, or have an item you'd like added, please email by default, or the specific address if one is given. Thanks.


First, a summary of some writing projects for which we have detailed descriptions and related references on a separate page.

Other documentation projects:

One more, independent of all else: the LaTeX WikiBook could always use reviews and contributors.


TeX programming

C(++) programming

TUG web site

Email about these:

If you'd like to add an item to this page, or have other questions and suggestions, mail For general questions and discussion about TeX and related programs, mail

$Date: 2022/07/15 16:26:23 $; TUG home page; join TUG/renew membership; webmaster; facebook; x; mastodon.