[biblio] A Beginner question

DMD dariush at wanadoo.fr
Mon Nov 8 10:25:41 CET 2010

Dear Members of this list,
I have an urgent question and my apologies if this question is  
redundant for some of you but I have done a good research without  
finding a satisfactory answeer. I have to format the bibliographical  
data and citations according to the following pattern:
Daivdson, Andreas (1999). Harvard Style for Bibtex. London: Penguin  

Riley, Terry (2002). "Atonality Today". Journal of European Music,  
vol. 2, nr. 1, pp. 7-27.

and the cited works in the text as (author year).

this seems to be a Harvard style but my research to find a .bst for  
such a style has failed so far. Harvard or not Harvard, this is not my  
real question. I just would like to be able to reproduce the pattern  
above described.
My two simple questions:

1. Is there a .bst file (I assume that I need a bst file, am I right?)  
for the pattern described above? If yes, could you point me to an  
2. Should I use another tool such as natbib or any other that you  
would recommend to generte the pattern for the bibliographical data  
and citation pattern?

Addendum: my file is in Latex. There is a bib file generated by  
BibDesk for the source file. I edit in Texshop on MacosX with Texlive  

Many thanks in advance.
Dariush M Doust

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