[metapost] Rovenskii

Laurence Finston lfinsto1 at gwdg.de
Thu Feb 17 22:51:53 CET 2005

Thanks for the references.  I'm quite busy at the moment, 
so I haven't been able to follow the recent thread concerning
the classification of Bezi'er curves.  One question I have is
whether the ideas you've been discussing are extensible to 
one or more forms of spline curve that are projectively 
invariant.  Personally, I think 2D is so limited that it 
wouldn't be worthwhile to spend too much time on methods that 
can only be used in 2D.  From the point of view of programming, 
there's no technical reason for not implementing n-dimensional 
objects (where n is a natural number greater than 2).  I don't
currently have any particular desire to do anything with, say, 
100-dimensional points, but 4D is definitely desirable, and perhaps 
other n <= 10.  If the Megapost developers don't mind my voicing an 
opinion, I think it would be nice if it were to have this 
functionality.  I think it would be interesting to see if Knuth and 
Hobby's methods lend themselves to this extension.


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