[metapost] Attn: Taco
Mojca Miklavec
mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com
Fri Jul 31 09:22:39 CEST 2009
On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 08:27, Nicola wrote:
> Mia Champion wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am not at all familiar with the metapost language and have an output
>> file from a program that I am using for genome analysis (see below).
>> In order for the data to be linked into other output files from the
>> program, the metapost script below must be converted into individual pdf
>> files.
>> I have tried a couple of different metapost converters online just to
>> see what the output would look like and keep getting errors that quit
>> the conversion and seem to
>> have general trouble with the code. I would really appreciate it if a
>> metapost expert could give me advice regarding this code and what might
>> be the best conversion
>> program to use in order to generate pdf image files (the image outputs
>> are phylogenetic trees).
>> Thanks so much,
>> Mia
> Try prefixing your code by:
> verbatimtex
> %&latex
> \documentclass{article}
> \begin{document}
> etex
Or, if these images are generated automatically, create a new file
(for exaple "tree.mp") with the following contents:
input originalfile.mp;
You can then use
mptopdf yourfile.mp
for conversion. I have no idea why http://www.tlhiv.org/mppreview/
fails to generate proper ouput, it might be that
\documentclass{minimal} that he uses by default and you cannot change
it doesn't support the command \small used in your code.
I hope that you have deliberately cutted the end of script (it ends in
the middle and would not compile as such unless you have cutted it).
File must end with
endfigure; end.
Try to install TeX Live (MikTeX is user friendly, but it stopped
supporting mptopdf more than one year ago). You need to have Perl
installed, but if you are analyzing genomes I don't doubt you have it
installed already.
If you just want a preview, paste the following code to
http://www.tlhiv.org/mppreview/ (note that I have removed beginning
and end of file + removed the command \small):
pair p[];
pair mid[];
p0 = (0.000000u,0.000000u);
p1 = (0.875000u,2.333333u);
p2 = (1.750000u,0.000000u);
p3 = (2.625000u,4.666667u);
p4 = (3.500000u,0.000000u);
p5 = (4.375000u,2.333333u);
p6 = (5.250000u,0.000000u);
p7 = (3.500000u,7.000000u);
p8 = (7.000000u,0.000000u);
% draw line
draw p[0] -- ( xpart p[0], ypart p[1] ) -- p[1] ;
label.urt( btex 0 etex, p[0]);
xpart mid[0] = xpart(p[0]);
ypart mid[0] = (ypart(p[0])+ypart(p[1]))/2;
label.rt( btex $l = 6$ etex, mid[0]);
label.rt( btex $\lambda=0.001700$ etex, mid[0] + (0,-0.150000u));
draw p[1] -- ( xpart p[1], ypart p[3] ) -- p[3] ;
label.urt( btex 0 {(0.500, 0.500)} etex, p[1]);
xpart mid[1] = xpart(p[1]);
ypart mid[1] = (ypart(p[1])+ypart(p[3]))/2;
label.rt( btex $l = 81$ etex, mid[1]);
label.rt( btex $\lambda=0.001700$ etex, mid[1] + (0,-0.150000u));
draw p[2] -- ( xpart p[2], ypart p[1] ) -- p[1] ;
label.urt( btex 0 etex, p[2]);
xpart mid[2] = xpart(p[2]);
ypart mid[2] = (ypart(p[2])+ypart(p[1]))/2;
label.rt( btex $l = 6$ etex, mid[2]);
label.rt( btex $\lambda=0.001700$ etex, mid[2] + (0,-0.150000u));
draw p[3] -- ( xpart p[3], ypart p[7] ) -- p[7] ;
label.urt( btex 0 {(0.500, 0.500)} etex, p[3]);
xpart mid[3] = xpart(p[3]);
ypart mid[3] = (ypart(p[3])+ypart(p[7]))/2;
label.rt( btex $l = 6$ etex, mid[3]);
label.rt( btex $\lambda=0.001700$ etex, mid[3] + (0,-0.150000u));
draw p[4] -- ( xpart p[4], ypart p[5] ) -- p[5] ;
label.urt( btex 0 etex, p[4]);
xpart mid[4] = xpart(p[4]);
ypart mid[4] = (ypart(p[4])+ypart(p[5]))/2;
label.rt( btex $l = 17$ etex, mid[4]);
label.rt( btex $\lambda=0.001700$ etex, mid[4] + (0,-0.150000u));
draw p[5] -- ( xpart p[5], ypart p[3] ) -- p[3] ;
label.urt( btex 0 {(0.500, 0.500)} etex, p[5]);
xpart mid[5] = xpart(p[5]);
ypart mid[5] = (ypart(p[5])+ypart(p[3]))/2;
label.rt( btex $l = 70$ etex, mid[5]);
label.rt( btex $\lambda=0.001700$ etex, mid[5] + (0,-0.150000u));
draw p[6] -- ( xpart p[6], ypart p[5] ) -- p[5] ;
label.urt( btex 0 etex, p[6]);
xpart mid[6] = xpart(p[6]);
ypart mid[6] = (ypart(p[6])+ypart(p[5]))/2;
label.rt( btex $l = 17$ etex, mid[6]);
label.rt( btex $\lambda=0.001700$ etex, mid[6] + (0,-0.150000u));
draw p[7] -- ( p[7] + (0,0.333333u) );
label.urt( btex 1 {(0.015, 0.186)} etex, p[7]);
draw p[8] -- ( xpart p[8], ypart p[7] ) -- p[7] ;
label.urt( btex 0 etex, p[8]);
xpart mid[8] = xpart(p[8]);
ypart mid[8] = (ypart(p[8])+ypart(p[7]))/2;
label.rt( btex $l = 93$ etex, mid[8]);
label.rt( btex $\lambda=0.001700$ etex, mid[8] + (0,-0.150000u));
% add name
labeloffset := 10; dotlabel.bot(btex chimp etex, p[0]);
labeloffset := 10; dotlabel.bot(btex human etex, p[2]);
labeloffset := 10; dotlabel.bot(btex mouse etex, p[4]);
labeloffset := 10; dotlabel.bot(btex rat etex, p[6]);
labeloffset := 10; dotlabel.bot(btex dog etex, p[8]);
% Mark duplication
% annotation
label( btex etex, (0.1u, 7.700000u));
label( btex ENSF00000002057 etex, (0.1u, 7.500000u));
label(btex Max p-value = 0.000 etex, (0.1u, 7.300000u));
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