[metapost] Positioning text arbitrarily in the canvas

Jesús Guillermo Andrade gandrade at usermail.com
Tue Mar 24 22:25:00 CET 2009

Dear Fellows: While reading Mr. Hobby´s guide to Metapost, I tried to  
figure our how to position the text I wanted to include around a  
polygon. My efforts however, have been sterile since there is no  
documentation regading how to place a given string arbitrarily in the  
"canvas" of Metapost.
I use the following statements in order to "embed" the font in the  
final eps file:
filenametemplate "%j-%3c.eps";
fontmapfile "pdftex_dl14.map";
Thus, metapost have access to the biggest font list in my system. From  
there on, I would only have to move it around:

draw "A&M Despacho de Abogados" infont "t1-yvtbc-c";

What can be done in order to position the text with precise  
coordinates without using the label command?

Nada es nunca tan malo que no pueda empeorar. Ley de Gatusso.
Jesús Guillermo Andrade (Abg.)
Gerente de Litigios y Corporativo. EDM. AC. API.
Andrade & Moreno S.C. (http://amlegal.wordpress.com/)

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