[tex-live] Misplaced file(s): mathdots

Heiko Oberdiek oberdiek at uni-freiburg.de
Fri Jun 1 08:32:49 CEST 2007

On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 05:56:49PM -0500, Karl Berry wrote:

>     In the .ins file the locations can be declared by \usedir.
> I wasn't aware of this.  What does such a declaration really mean?  A
> \message at the end of the run?  Nothing in the TL process reads that ...

Excerpt from `atbegshi.ins':


That means that atbegshi.ins and atbegshi.drv are generated
in the current directory, they don't need a TDS location.
The package is generated as TDS:tex/generic/oberdiek/atbegshi.sty
and the example and test files are put in TDS:doc/latex/oberdiek/.

It does not have an effect, if this feature is not enabled by
the user. He enables and configures it in his configuration
file `docstrip.cfg':

* \BaseDirectory{...} points to the root of the TDS tree
  where the package should be installed.

* \UseTDS enables it.

If \usedir is set, then docstrip will not unpack the files in
the current directory but in the directory constructed by
\BaseDirectory and \usedir.

A disadvantage remains that TeX cannot create directories,
therefore I am using the shell-escape feature in the scripts
of project latex-tds. The commands of docstrip.cfg:


  \def\mkdir#1{\shell{mkdir -p #1}}

  \let\saved at usedir\usedir
    \saved at usedir{#1}%

Yours sincerely
  Heiko <oberdiek at uni-freiburg.de>

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