[tex-live] listings.sty Suddenly Broke

C.M. Connelly cmc at math.hmc.edu
Wed Dec 16 01:44:51 CET 2009

"BCL" == Brian C Ladd <drbcladd at gmail.com>

    BCL> (1) Does someone else see the same (wrong)
    BCL> behavior on their installation?  If so, then I can feel a
    BCL> little bit good that it is not just my configuration (and
    BCL> I can stop chasing down all the configuration files all
    BCL> over the place). How about with 2008?

I see the same behavior that you describe as wrong with both TeX
Live 2008 and 2009.  I see the behavior you want with an older
listings.sty (1.3, from 2004) on a system with teTeX 3.0.

It's not clear to me from the docs that the behavior you want and
that the older version of the package provided was really what was
intended, which may be why the package no longer works in that

It might be worth writing to the package's authors to see if they
can clarify (and maybe fix) the behavior.


  Claire Connelly                              cmc at math.hmc.edu
  Systems Administrator                          (909) 621-8754
  Department of Mathematics                 Harvey Mudd College
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