[tex-live] removing PCL font metrics from TL

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Mon Mar 22 00:35:21 CET 2010

TL includes metrics for the fonts that were built into the LaserJet at
some point.  As I recall, I created the metrics based on files from Norm
Walsh when I first bought an LJ many years ago, and other people wrote
LaTeX support, etc. to make them usable -- the pclnfss package.

But there no (free-for-TL) outlines for them, so I don't think it's very
useful to have the metrics for them in TL -- documents using them can't
be previewed.  I also highly doubt the metrics generated 15 years ago
are up to date.  Plus potential licensing questions.

Thus, I plan to remove pclnfss, which includes the metrics for:
bh: wingding/ 
cg: albertus/  clarendo/  courier/   lettrgth/  optima/  univers/
    atqolive/  coronet/   garamond/  marigold/  times/
monotype: helvetic/  symbol/  timesnew/

(This won't affect the PostScript/Adobe or other times, symbol,
etc. fonts.  Just PCL.)

I hope this doesn't unduly discommode anyone, but I see no option, for
our own self-consistency.


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