FC_WEIGHT didn't match

Michael Shell list1 at michaelshell.org
Wed Mar 6 07:09:46 CET 2019

On Tue, 5 Mar 2019 20:56:16 -0400
"George N. White III" <gnwiii at gmail.com> wrote:

> I think the above code fragment is for ghostscript compiled with
> fontconfig support,

Yep, FWIW I found this:


>From "KenS":

 "The actual answer to your question is 'don't worry about it'.

  FC_WEIGHT refers to the weight of a font (light, bold, regular, ExtraBold
  etc). This message can *only* arise when you are using FontConfig, and
  Ghostscript is enumerating the available fonts from font config, trying
  to find a match for a missing font in the input. This means that a
  candidate font did not match the target font's weight.

  Since you aren't going to use the font, it doesn't affect you.


  Mike Shell

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