TL2020 pretest — Packages not present

Brian Dunn bd at
Fri Mar 6 05:52:25 CET 2020

tlmgr: package repository (verified)

Per tlmgr, the following packages give: "tlmgr install: package xyz not
present in repository.":

bezos ifetex array bigdelim fontenc graphicx ifpdf inputenc lmodern
longtable newtxmath splitidx textcomp titleps titletoc xparse 2in1 a4
afterpage alltt amsthm ar calc expl3 multicol verbatim xparse array authblk
backref balance bigdelim bigstrut bounddvi bsheaders manyfoot perpage CJK
CJKutf8 chapterbib chngpage color cuted dblfnote dcolumn enumerate epsfig
epstopdf-base everyshi extramarks figcaps flafter floatpag fltrace flushend
fnlineno fnpos fontenc footnote ftnright fullpage gmeometric graphicx
hypbmsec hypcap hypdestopt layout letterspace lips lltjext longtable lscape
ltcaption ltxgrid ltxtable makeidx manyfoot nccfoots tabularx graphicx
marginal memhfixc midfloat mtcoff multicol multimedia multitoc nameref
nccfancyhdr nicefrac pagegrid pagesel pdfcrypt pdfrender perpage pfnote
pifont plarydshln plext plextarydshln plextcolortbl prelim2e graphicx
makeidx pxatbegshi pxeveryshi pxftnright resizegather rotating scalefnt
scrextend scrhack scrlayer scrlayer-notecolumn scrlayer-scrpage scrpage2
array showidx showkeys splitidx srctex stabular stfloats subcaption syntonly
tabularx tascmac textarea textcomp theorem tikz titleps titletoc tocbasic
tocenter tocstyle topcapt trimclip typearea upref tabularx vowel watermark
xetexko-vertical xfrac xr xr-hyper xy

There may be others, as well.


Brian Dunn
BD Tech Concepts LLC

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