uninstalling an old version

eckl.r at gmx.de eckl.r at gmx.de
Fri Mar 13 22:26:41 CET 2020

For me sudo rm -r /usr/local/texlive/2019  did the job without any problem  (Linux Mint, without tlmgr remove)

Von: tex-live <tex-live-bounces+eckl.r=gmx.de at tug.org> im Auftrag von Bob Tennent <rdtennent at gmail.com>
Gesendet: Freitag, 13. März 2020, 18:50
An: tex-live at tug.org
Betreff: uninstalling an old version

I've been using the 2020 pretest for a while and decided I
could uninstall the 2019 version. Using the 2019 tlmgr,

  tlmgr remove --all 

didn't remove all. Then rm -rf texlive/2019 removed
too much, leaving me with a broken system. I'm now

So what is the correct way to unistall neither not enough
nor too much of 2019?

Bob T.

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