Minor change to tex-live.sty

Arash Esbati arash at gnu.org
Thu Mar 26 18:38:23 CET 2020

Hi all,

after the comment to this post[1], I had a look at tex-live.sty and I'd
like to make a suggestion: Retire alltt.sty and use fancyvrb.sty to
define the environment, i.e.:


I think this is a drop-in replacement and doesn't even change the
spacing AFAICS from the result of this file:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---



\def\Ucom#1{{\bfseries\ttfamily #1}}  


This document describes the main features of the TL{} software
distribution---\TeX{} and related programs for GNU/Linux and other
Unix flavors, MacOSX, and Windows systems.
> \Ucom{install-tl-windows}
> \Ucom{tex -{}-version}
TeX 3.14159265 (TeX Live ...)
Copyright ... D.E. Knuth.
This document describes the main features of the TL{} software
distribution---\TeX{} and related programs for GNU/Linux and other
Unix flavors, MacOSX, and Windows systems.


This document describes the main features of the TL{} software
distribution---\TeX{} and related programs for GNU/Linux and other
Unix flavors, MacOSX, and Windows systems.
> \Ucom{install-tl-windows}
> \Ucom{tex -{}-version}
TeX 3.14159265 (TeX Live ...)
Copyright ... D.E. Knuth.
This document describes the main features of the TL{} software
distribution---\TeX{} and related programs for GNU/Linux and other
Unix flavors, MacOSX, and Windows systems.

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

I was also wondering how many tl-doc editors use Emacs with AUCTeX?  I
have a prototyp style for AUCTeX attached.  I'd appreciate any comment
on this file.   Maybe it can be added to TL or to AUCTeX itself?

Best, Arash

[1]  https://emacs.stackexchange.com/a/55943/12242

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