Minor change to tex-live.sty

Arash Esbati arash at gnu.org
Mon Mar 30 21:03:12 CEST 2020

Karl Berry <karl at freefriends.org> writes:

>     after the comment to this post[1], I had a look at tex-live.sty and I'd
>     like to make a suggestion: Retire alltt.sty and use fancyvrb.sty to
>     [1] https://emacs.stackexchange.com/a/55943/12242
> Seems to me it would be better to improve auctex.

Ok, I added the style to AUCTeX.

> if it can support fancyvrb in whatever way is desired, seems like it
> could support alltt.

Actually, AUCTeX supports both packages.  But the support for user
defined verbatim environments is much better since AUCTeX parses the
arguments to \DefineVerbatimEnvironment and sets AUCTeX's internal
variables directly.

> I confess I'm not inclined to mess with loaded packages because editor
> XYZ supports one better than another. Feels like churn.

Sure, no problem.  While we're at it, I'd like to suggest the following
change to texlive-en.tex.  TL 2020 is out (thnx btw), so maybe for the
next year release:

--- texlive-en.tex~
+++ texlive-en.tex
@@ -1372,8 +1372,11 @@
   \item \cmdname{GNU Emacs} is also available natively under Windows, see
-  \item \cmdname{Emacs with Auc\TeX} for Windows is available from \CTAN.
-        The AuC\TeX\ home page is \url{https://www.gnu.org/software/auctex}.
+  \item \cmdname{AUC\TeX} is available independently from
+        operating system and platform with the package manager
+        integrated in \cmdname{GNU Emacs} from \cmdname{ELPA}.
+        Sources are also available from \CTAN. The AUC\TeX\ home page
+        is \url{https://www.gnu.org/software/auctex}.
   \item \cmdname{SciTE} is available from
   \item \cmdname{Texmaker} is free software, available from

Best, Arash

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