[tex4ht] Tex4ht and Qt Help Project File

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Tue Aug 23 00:19:45 CEST 2011

    Does somebody has already experience in this direction or is willing to 
    communicate about a best practice solution using tex4ht?

I suspect that only one person still alive has ever written a new
back-end for tex4ht (namely, CVR).  That's not to say it can't be done,
of course, but just getting to the point of being able to rebuild the
tex4ht programs from sources is not trivial, I can tell you from bitter

If you have a lot of time and energy to devote to the problem, we'd
gratefully welcome such a contribution to the project.  But a simple
plug-in type solution for a new back-end isn't there.  Sorry.


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