[tex4ht] [bug #617] The fancyvrb LaTeX package produces blank lines with the `\VerbatimInput` command

Nasser M. Abbasi nma at 12000.org
Mon Dec 11 20:55:57 CET 2023

> ### Discussion
> It seems that the issue stems from the lack of support for the
> `\VerbatimInput` command in TeX4ht. However, the `\VerbatimCommand` is used to
> input verbatim text in the LaTeX definitions of the Markdown package for TeX
> and cannot be easily substituted with the `Verbatim` environment. A fix or a
> workaround would be appreciated.
I can confirm the extra \n in the HTML version of the \VerbatimInput between
the lines.

But do you have to use \VerbatimInput? I have not myself used Verbatim
for years now, in pdf nor in HTML. I switched to listings
package for everything now. inline input and from file.

It works very well in pdf and HTML with tex4ht.

May be there is a way to renewcommand that \VerbatimCommand you
mentioned to use listings instead?


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