[texhax] Metafont graphic display under X11

Yannis Haralambous yannis.haralambous at enst-bretagne.fr
Sun Feb 1 20:50:09 CET 2004

Hi everybody,

I'm trying to get Metafont's graphic display under X11 (in fact, MacOS X
XDarwin). I have mf Version 2.7182 (Web2C 7.3.8). Looking at my binaries
I get:

-rwxr-xr-x    1 yannis   admin      319312 Nov 20  2002 /usr/TeX/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x    1 yannis   admin      319312 Nov 20  2002 /usr/TeX/bin/

mf and mfw have exactly the same size. I have compared them using a binary
file editor and found that the only difference between them is that mf,
at location 00049CD0 has the string "mfextra.c" while mfw at that
location has the string "mfnowin.c"
That location seems like an error message or some kind of string pool.

That's all difference there is. No wonder mfw does not display anything,
since it is practically the same program as mf. Shouldn't there by some
kind of call to X libraries? 

So I am asking the question: how, using mfw, do I get graphic display
under X, be it under MacOS X or under Linux?

Thanks in advance for any experience you may have on this issue.  

| Yannis Haralambous, Ph.D.      yannis.haralambous at enst-bretagne.fr |
| Professor                            http://omega.enstb.org/yannis |
|                                          Tel. +33 (0) |
|                                          Fax  +33 (0) |
| Computer Science Department                                        |
| Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications de Bretagne      |
| Technopole de Brest Iroise, CS 83818, 29238 Brest CEDEX 3, France  |
                         ...pour distinguer l'exterieur d'un aquarium, 
                                        mieux vaut n'etre pas poisson

                        ...the ball I threw while playing in the park
                                       has not yet reached the ground

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