[texhax] Collection for social sciences and the humanities for TeXLive 2006

Uwe Lück uwe.lueck at web.de
Thu Sep 14 22:36:35 CEST 2006

At 15:26 14.09.06, Juergen Fenn wrote:

>Would you agree to this?
>critical editions
>edmac           is part of collection-formatsextra
>ednotes                    collection-latexextra
>bigfoot                    collection-latexextra
>ledmac                     collection-latexextra
>ledpar                     --
>parallel                   collection-latexextra
>parrun                     collection-latexextra
>poemscol                   collection-latexextra

I hope my (Uwe Lück's) agreement doesn't matter much.
However, manyfoot may once be considered a
"poor man's" bigfoot -- if I understand David Kastrup's
descriptions correctly (I hope Alex Rozhenko will forgive
me, while he is in bcc:). A scholar in the humanities
may be unable to realize what bigfoot can and manyfoot
cannot, while this difference strikes David Kastrup.
I consider this a point for letting manyfoot accompany
bigfoot here. ["This is my little brother. May he join us?"]



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