[texhax] simple manuscript

Samuel Lelievre samuel.lelievre.tex at free.fr
Tue Jan 16 18:31:27 CET 2007

Sean Sieger wrote:

>  Another thing I would like to accomplish is to move
>  the page numbers to top center.

One way to go is to use:


and then



Use \lhead, \chead, \rhead, \lfoot, \cfoot, \rfoot
to specify what you want at the left, centre, right
headers and footers; here \cfoot{} is used to kill
the usual page number in the \cfoot.
By default fancyhdr add a horizontal line below the
header; setting headrulewidth to 0pt removes it by
making it of zero width.
The lastpage package allows eg "page 3 of 28".

My preamble often looks like in the following example:

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % | These two lines make copy-paste from
\usepackage{lmodern}     % | the pdf document deal with accents ok

%% Set margins

%% No paragraph indent


\lhead{New year resolutions}
\rhead{[2007-01-02] \thepage/\pageref{LastPage}}

Cette ann\'ee, ...


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