[texhax] biblatex package and Bibliography problems

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Mon Dec 7 12:29:39 CET 2009

Am Mon, 7 Dec 2009 11:39:21 +0100 schrieb Henrik Frisk:

>>>> I'm close to the end of a long process of proofreading and making
>>>> corrections to may manuscript, and suddenly biblatex, which I use for my
>>>> references, prints references with crossrefs in the following way:

>>>> The 'in:' should be capitalized here (and was before, when I
>>>> sent it off to the proofreader a month ago). 

>>> Again, if someone recognizes this or has any ideas as to why this would
>>> happen, I'd be most interested to hear.

>> Well obviously something changed. That can happen. But as you didn't
>> give any useful informations (versions of biblatex on both
>> computers, complete small example which demonstrates the problem and
>> would show what style and language you are using, log-file) it is
>> rather difficult to tell you more.

> Yes, I realize the information was limited, partly so because I felt so
> stupid... Thing is, I can't reproduce it with a small example so (I was
> thinking) the most likely reason is something's gone wrong in my sources
> (this is a 150 page manuscript). I was running biblatex 0.7 on both machines
> and I couldn't see any errors in the pdflatex output and bibtex did not
> complain.

Make a copy of all your files in a new folder. Then move the
\printbibliography and the \cite command directly behind
\begin{document} and put a \end{document after \printbibliography.
Then compile. If the problem persists something in your preamble is
responsible. Start to remove things until you find the source of the

If the problem disappear in the short document start to move the
\end{document} until you find the point where the problem start. 

Make sure to remove auxiliary files between the different tests and
to run the complete compilation circle (latex + bibtex etc). 

> Now, I've tried upgrading to biblatex 0.8 but I can't get that to work at
> all (so now I can't get a maningful logfile from my own source).

Updating a large package like biblatex when you are approaching a
deadline and when you don't actually know that your problem will be
resolved by an update is asking for trouble. Are you sure that you
did install the new version correctly and that is now used? Did you
put all the file in the correct places and did you remove all files
from the older version? 

>  Trying to
> run one of the biblatex examples (01--introduction.tex) results in:
> ! Undefined control sequence.
> \biburlsetup ->\Urlmuskip
>                           =0mu plus 2mu\relax \mathchardef \UrlBreakPenalty
> ...
> l.40 \cite{companion}
> Maybe a dependency problem?

\Urlmuskip is defined in url.sty which is loaded by biblatex. The
following works fine for me



with versions:

 article.cls    2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
  size10.clo    2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option)
biblatex.sty    2009/07/04 v0.8e programmable bibliographies
etoolbox.sty    2009/08/06 v1.8 e-TeX tools for LaTeX
    etex.sty    1998/03/26 v2.0 eTeX basic definition package (PEB)
  keyval.sty    1999/03/16 v1.13 key=value parser (DPC)
  ifthen.sty    2001/05/26 v1.1c Standard LaTeX ifthen package (DPC)
     url.sty    2006/04/12  ver 3.3  Verb mode for urls, etc.
biblatex.def    2009/07/04 v0.8e biblatex generic definitions
standard.bbx    2009/07/04 v0.8e biblatex bibliography style
 numeric.bbx    2009/07/04 v0.8e biblatex bibliography style
 numeric.cbx    2009/07/04 v0.8e biblatex citation style
 english.lbx    2009/07/04 v0.8e biblatex localization

> Not sure if it's meaningful but the attached small example works (!)

Well working example are in general not really useful to find
problems in non-working documents. 

Ulrike Fischer 

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