June 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Jun 1 06:38:35 CEST 2009
Ending: Tue Jun 30 22:14:32 CEST 2009
Messages: 192
- [texhax] Superscript ordinal indicators in dates?
Philip TAYLOR (Ret'd)
- [texhax] A question about stretchability and shrinkability
Philip TAYLOR (Ret'd)
- [texhax] topmargin is broken
billdean at 550access.com
- [texhax] Thesis layout regulations
William Adams
- [texhax] TrueType or OpenType fonts and microtypography?
William Adams
- [texhax] Modifying LaTeX tables
Sam Albers
- [texhax] Modifying LaTeX tables
Sam Albers
- [texhax] LaTex Software
Sam Albers
- [texhax] Superscript ordinal indicators in dates?
Donald Arseneau
- [texhax] Superscript ordinal indicators in dates?
Donald Arseneau
- [texhax] Extract equations as EPS from larger doc?
Donald Arseneau
- [texhax] Extract equations as EPS from larger doc?
Donald Arseneau
- [texhax] How can I renewcommand \the
Donald Arseneau
- [texhax] Space factor as dimen?
Donald Arseneau
- [texhax] Thesis layout regulations
Bernice Barnett
- [texhax] a LaTeX question
Barbara Beeton
- [texhax] LaTex Software
Karl Berry
- [texhax] Is there a way to change how LaTeX handles undefined commands?
Gray Calhoun
- [texhax] fbox in align environment
Sebastian Canagaratna
- [texhax] fbox in align environment
Sebastian Canagaratna
- [texhax] fbox in align environment
Sebastian Canagaratna
- [texhax] fbox in align environment
Sebastian Canagaratna
- [texhax] fbox in align environment
Sebastian Canagaratna
- [texhax] fbox in align environment
Sebastian Canagaratna
- [texhax] fbox in align environment
Sebastian Canagaratna
- [texhax] fbox in align environment
Sebastian Canagaratna
- [texhax] fbox in align environment
Sebastian Canagaratna
- [texhax] large forward slash
John Culleton
- [texhax] Strange \loop-behaviour
Reiner Durchholz
- [texhax] Thesis layout regulations
Andy Farnell
- [texhax] Modifying LaTeX tables
Andy Farnell
- [texhax] Strange \loop-behaviour
Ulrike Fischer
- [texhax] Modifying LaTeX tables
Ulrike Fischer
- [texhax] listings.sty question: how to implement single-spacing
Ulrike Fischer
- [texhax] error with the crop package saying the 'b4center' is not provided
Ulrike Fischer
- [texhax] How can I renewcommand \the
Ulrike Fischer
- [texhax] LaTeX
John C Frain
- [texhax] two columns with vertical rule
- [texhax] Superscript ordinal indicators in dates?
Yannis Haralambous
- [texhax] can't install tex
Betty Harmsen
- [texhax] Thesis layout regulations
Dan Hatton
- [texhax] Thesis layout regulations
Karl Ove Hufthammer
- [texhax] latex command
Morten Høgholm
- [texhax] Fwd: sad news about Eitan Gurari
Morten Høgholm
- [texhax] How to install (Calligraphic) font
Robert Haener IV
- [texhax] Fwd: sad news about Eitan Gurari
Victor Ivrii
- [texhax] Thesis layout regulations
Dorothy Jammins
- [texhax] Extract equations as EPS from larger doc?
Philipp K. Janert
- [texhax] Extract equations as EPS from larger doc?
Philipp K. Janert
- [texhax] Extract equations as EPS from larger doc?
Philipp K. Janert
- [texhax] Extract equations as EPS from larger doc?
Philipp K. Janert
- [texhax] Question
Kandil, Magda
- [texhax] `\vtop to 0pt' produces a vertical shift: is that normal?
Oleg Katsitadze
- [texhax] plain TeX home made symbols for the numbers sets
Oleg Katsitadze
- [texhax] Fwd: ledmac, ledpar, ledarab --- new package maintainer
Vafa Khalighi
- [texhax] Suport with pstree
Vafa Khalighi
- [texhax] topmargin is broken
Vafa Khalighi
- [texhax] Strange \loop-behaviour
Philip and Le Khanh
- [texhax] bigfoot.sty and paired footnotes
Marcel Knie
- [texhax] typesetting of a critical text editiom
Marcel Knie
- [texhax] Modifying LaTeX tables
Reinhard Kotucha
- [texhax] vietnam characters
Reinhard Kotucha
- [texhax] can't install tex
Reinhard Kotucha
- [texhax] Superscript ordinal indicators in dates?
E. Krishnan
- [texhax] 'verbatim' inside 'raisebox'?
E. Krishnan
- [texhax] bigfoot.sty and paired footnotes
E. Krishnan
- [texhax] fbox in align environment
E. Krishnan
- [texhax] fbox in align environment
E. Krishnan
- [texhax] fbox in align environment
E. Krishnan
- [texhax] fbox in align environment
E. Krishnan
- [texhax] Typing out nPr (permutations)
Hubert Lam
- [texhax] pdflatex : multi figure + one table : \\, aligning figures
Bryan W. Lepore
- [texhax] Questions
Alan T Litchfield
- [texhax] URW++ original 35 fonts available under LPPL
Jerzy Ludwichowski
- [texhax] LaTeX
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] FW: Re: LaTeX
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] Superscript ordinal indicators in dates?
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] 'verbatim' inside 'raisebox'?
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] toc2tex
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] bigfoot.sty and paired footnotes
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] bigfoot.sty and paired footnotes
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] bigfoot.sty and paired footnotes
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] FW: Re: bigfoot.sty and paired footnotes
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] FW: FW: Re: bigfoot.sty and paired footnotes
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] bigfoot.sty and paired footnotes
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] FW: Re: bigfoot.sty and paired footnotes
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] FW: Re: bigfoot.sty and paired footnotes
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] 'verbatim' inside 'raisebox'?
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] 'verbatim' inside 'raisebox'?
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] Extract equations as EPS from larger doc?
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] Extract equations as EPS from larger doc?
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] Extract equations as EPS from larger doc?
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] typesetting of a critical text editiom [parallel, "paired" fn]
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] Left and Right Linenumber alignment
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] fatal errors with footnote italics for critical edition
Uwe Lueck
- [texhax] typesetting a critical text edition [parallel]
Uwe Lück
- [texhax] TeX for anything [was "... critical text edition]
Uwe Lück
- [texhax] Extract equations as EPS from larger doc?
Uwe Lück
- [texhax] latex command
Uwe Lück
- [texhax] How can I renewcommand \the
Uwe Lück
- [texhax] typesetting a critical text edition [parallel]
Uwe Lück
- [texhax] Can I do it more simple (building .sty)?
Uwe Lück
- [texhax] A question about stretchability and shrinkability
Pierre MacKay
- [texhax] typesetting of a critical text editiom [parallel, "paired" fn]
Pierre MacKay
- [texhax] references in tex
Lars Madsen
- [texhax] topmargin is broken
Lars Madsen
- [texhax] box around eqnarray
Lars Madsen
- [texhax] Questions
John Maloney
- [texhax] typesetting a critical text edition [parallel]
Sergei Mariev
- [texhax] Text vertical shifting in output
Rodolfo Medina
- [texhax] Text vertical shifting
Rodolfo Medina
- [texhax] A question about stretchability and shrinkability
Rodolfo Medina
- [texhax] A question about stretchability and shrinkability
Rodolfo Medina
- [texhax] A question about stretchability and shrinkability
Rodolfo Medina
- [texhax] A question about stretchability and shrinkability
Rodolfo Medina
- [texhax] `\vtop to 0pt' produces a vertical shift: is that normal?
Rodolfo Medina
- [texhax] plain TeX home made symbols for the numbers sets
Rodolfo Medina
- [texhax] longtable/xcolor interaction
Ravi Menon
- [texhax] Suport with pstree
Alejandro Munoz
- [texhax] bigfoot.sty and paired footnotes
Erik Norvelle
- [texhax] A question about stretchability and shrinkability
Ivan Ramos Pagnossin
- [texhax] apostrophe in Latex
Jeff Parish
- [texhax] apostrophe in Latex
Philip G. Ratcliffe
- [texhax] fbox in align environment
Philip G. Ratcliffe
- [texhax] fbox in align environment
Philip G. Ratcliffe
- [texhax] fbox in align environment
Philip G. Ratcliffe
- [texhax] Typing out nPr (permutations)
Philip G. Ratcliffe
- [texhax] fbox in align environment
Philip G. Ratcliffe
- [texhax] LaTeX equivalent of Paul Taylor's abbrevs.sty?
Philip G. Ratcliffe
- [texhax] How can I renewcommand \the
Philip G. Ratcliffe
- [texhax] () instead of [] in bibliography
Philip G. Ratcliffe
- [texhax] error with the crop package saying the 'b4center' is not provided
Nucleic Acids Research
- [texhax] LaTeX
Axel E. Retif
- [texhax] Dowload Pstrick for MAc
Axel E. Retif
- [texhax] large forward slash
Axel E. Retif
- [texhax] font size and line space
Axel E. Retif
- [texhax] multirow
Axel E. Retif
- [texhax] latex command
Axel E. Retif
- [texhax] A question about stretchability and shrinkability
Stanislaw Romanski
- [texhax] Theorems with Hanging Indent (ntheorem or amsthm or DIY)
Joel C. Salomon
- [texhax] Superscript ordinal indicators in dates?
Joel C. Salomon
- [texhax] Superscript ordinal indicators in dates?
Joel C. Salomon
- [texhax] Superscript ordinal indicators in dates?
Joel C. Salomon
- [texhax] Superscript ordinal indicators in dates?
Joel C. Salomon
- [texhax] CrossTeX under Windows
Joel C. Salomon
- [texhax] LaTeX equivalent of Paul Taylor's abbrevs.sty?
Joel C. Salomon
- [texhax] LaTeX equivalent of Paul Taylor's abbrevs.sty?
Joel C. Salomon
- [texhax] Inter-sentence space with amsthm
Joel C. Salomon
- [texhax] Space factor as dimen?
Joel C. Salomon
- [texhax] Space factor as dimen?
Joel C. Salomon
- [texhax] Space factor as dimen?
Joel C. Salomon
- [texhax] Cleveref bug with primed equations
Joel C. Salomon
- [texhax] 'verbatim' inside 'raisebox'?
Martin Schröder
- [texhax] Modifying LaTeX tables
Steve Schwartz
- [texhax] Extract equations as EPS from larger doc?
Steve Schwartz
- [texhax] TrueType or OpenType fonts and microtypography?
Peter Seibel
- [texhax] latex command
Tom Sgouros
- [texhax] Chemical equations in LaTeX
Simmie, John
- [texhax] Modifying LaTeX tables
Dr Nicola L C Talbot
- [texhax] tensor index macros for plain TeX ?
Michael M. Tung
- [texhax] Chess Typesetting
Zsolt Udvari
- [texhax] Dowload Pstrick for MAc
- [texhax] Chemical reactions in Latex
Ryan Van Wagoner
- [texhax] Question
Joseph Wright
- [texhax] 'verbatim' inside 'raisebox'?
T Ziomek
- [texhax] 'verbatim' inside 'raisebox'?
T Ziomek
- [texhax] 'verbatim' inside 'raisebox'?
T Ziomek
- [texhax] LaTex Software
doakley5 at aol.com
- [texhax] Left and Right Linenumber alignment
- [texhax] wrong font
davide bondoni
- [texhax] CFPart: DML 2009--Towards a Digital Mathematics Library, Ontario, CA, Jul 8-9th
dml2009 at easychair.org
- [texhax] listings.sty question: how to implement single-spacing
martin f krafft
- [texhax] listings.sty question: how to implement single-spacing
martin f krafft
- [texhax] multirow
- [texhax] vietnam characters
- [texhax] box around eqnarray
- [texhax] box around eqnarray
- [texhax] a LaTeX question
res at math.brown.edu
- [texhax] font size and line space
arvind mer
- [texhax] How to install (Calligraphic) font
arvind mer
- [texhax] Chemical reactions in Latex
arvind mer
- [texhax] references in tex
arvind mer
- [texhax] () instead of [] in bibliography
arvind mer
- [texhax] Chess Typesetting
chandrasekhar s
- [texhax] 'verbatim' inside 'raisebox'?
tom sgouros
- [texhax] Extract equations as EPS from larger doc?
tom sgouros
- [texhax] a LaTeX question
tom sgouros
- [texhax] latex command
tom sgouros
- [texhax] fatal errors with footnote italics for critical edition
crebecca at uchicago.edu
- [texhax] How can I renewcommand \the
- [texhax] Can I do it more simple (building .sty)?
- [texhax] typesetting a critical text edition [parallel]
jherrman at zoominternet.net
Last message date:
Tue Jun 30 22:14:32 CEST 2009
Archived on: Tue Jun 30 22:14:32 CEST 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).