[texhax] [tex-live] tl09 release status: coming up

Philip TAYLOR P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Tue Oct 6 17:57:48 CEST 2009

Vladimir Volovich has kindly identified the root cause of
the problem :

> syntax of the destination starting with h: tells rsync that it is a
> remote host names "h" (that's how rsync over ssh is used).

Vladimir recommended making H: the default drive and
then using a simplified path, but that seemed a little
kludgy to me (even 'though I am currently doing exactly
that, so as to make progress), so after a little thought
and experiment I am pleased to be able to report that it
is not strictly necessary.  In fact, one can use a UNC
for the destination, with the proviso that the slashes
must be forward slashes, and therefore the following is
a solution.

rsync -r --delete --exclude=2008 --exclude=mactex* 
rsync://guiling.fr/texlive/ //<localhost>/<localpath>


rsync -r --delete --exclude=2008 --exclude=mactex* 
rsync://guiling.fr/texlive/ //RV-5/H$/TeX/Live/2009/Mirror

It would, IMHO, be worth documenting this
lest any other Windows users fall into this trap.

** Phil.

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