[texhax] 3D rotation

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Tue May 31 08:06:34 CEST 2011

Am 31.05.2011 05:40, schrieb Mike B.:

> Is there a package to rotate objects in 3D?.
> As a simple example, say I have a rectangle, as follows:
>     y
>     |
>     |   ---
>     |   | |
>     |   ---
>      ---- x
>    /
>   /
> /
> z
> If I rotate it around the y axis, then it would appear as a prism. Imagine looking at a domino brick from the side.
> Ideally, the package could handle any latex object, such as, text.
> Any ideas?.

see packages pst-3dplot for parallel projections and
pst-solides3d for central projections


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