[texhax] Shadows with pstricks

Jean-Louis Garcin jeanlouisgarcin at free.fr
Sat Sep 24 18:50:51 CEST 2011

Am 23.09.2011 18:17, schrieb Jean-Louis Garcin:

>    I work with Texshop on a mac (with SnwoLeopard).
> When  I   typeset with Xelatex and the macro  \psshadow  of the package pst-3d doesn't work.
>   The list of commands
> \psset{Tshadowcolor=red,Tshadowangle=60,Tshadowsize=3.5}
> {\Huge\psshadow{SHADOW}\\[20pt]}
> don't  draw the shadow
> And the same list of commands when I typesset with latex instead of xelatex is succesfull.
> I don't understand  why.
> What can I do if I want to use \psshadow with Xelatex.

that is a problem with the xdvipdfm driver, which cannot handle such
rotations. I have no idea how to fix this problem.

   Thank you for your quick answer even  there is no solution today.

   And I would want thank you for your great work  Graphics and PostScript For Tex and latex.

  I use it very often for  drawing curves or others geometrics pictures in the papers of my pupils.

  Thank you vey much.


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