[texhax] Importing images into TexShop doc

Richard Koch koch at math.uoregon.edu
Mon Apr 28 16:07:52 CEST 2014


Axel Retif wrote "For further questions about MacTeX and Mac specific front-ends
I would advise you to subscribe to the TeX on Mac OS X Mailing List.

This is good advice. Come on over.

TeXShop is just a front end to TeX, and MacTeX installs the standard
TeX Live,  the reference distribution of TeX for most platforms. Thus
the answer to your question is the standard answer on most platforms nowadays.

1) In the header


2) To insert a graphic, something like

	\begin{figure}[htbp] % figure placement: here, top, bottom, or page 
		 \caption{example caption} 

The crucial command here is "includegraphics." If you are using pdfLaTeX,
graphics can be pdf, jpg, png, and TeX will automatically convert eps files
to pdf.

Dick Koch

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