[texhax] revtex4-1 does not include current aip4-1.rtx

Jochen Küpper jochen.kuepper at cfel.de
Tue Nov 3 11:08:58 CET 2015


first, I am not sure if this is the right list; if not, please simply forward or let me know where to send this.

It seems that the revtex 4.1 version in TeX Live is not actually the latest.

I have installed TeX Live 2015 through MacTeX, including all updates.  This has /usr/local/texlive/2015/texmf-dist/tex/latex/revtex/aip4-1.rtx from 2010/07/25.
However, there are newer versions of that file, which declare new journals. E.g., ftp://ftp.aip.org/revtex/revtex4-1.zip contains the journal "sd".

Now, I understand that this is hard to follow for TeX Live, as the version and even the date string are identical on the two files. At the same time it is annoying for the user to manually download and install these files. (I can confirm that simply copying the newer aip4-1.rtx into the local directory of the manuscript works.)

It would be great if this could be included in TeX Live by default, optimally through a minor update of revtex4-1.


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