how to separate captions from figures, and put them at the end

Christopher W. Ryan cryan at
Thu Sep 29 18:49:30 CEST 2022

I'm a statistician and do my analyses and academic writing with an R ->
Sweave -> pdflatex -> biblatex -> PDF worflow.

The journal to which I am submitting a uses an online manuscript
submission system (they seem ubiquitous nowadays) that seems to assume
submission of Microsoft Office files, although it does accept LaTeX
files . . . sort of . . . and then itself compiles them into a PDF. They
want gures and captions in this manner:

Each Table and Figure should be removed from the manuscript file and
individually submitted as separate Table and Figure files and ordered
after the manuscript file.

Figure legends should be moved to the end of the manuscript file after
the references.

I pretty much know how to do the first part with the endfloat package.
But how to accomplish the second part--stripping the legends (I'm
assuming "captions" here)--and printing them separately toward the end?


--Chris Ryan

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