I put the "TooBib" source up on girhub

Mike Marchywka marchywka at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 27 21:43:06 CEST 2023

For those of you unfamiliar with Toobib, it is
a collection of hacks to try to get a bibtex entry
for a work pointed at by a given url. It is maybe 
similar to zotero although short on cleanliness for
lack of a better term it seems to do better than their
webform for a lot of cases I need. 

I would say it is mostly a collection of code right now.
It works well for me but is not packaged for distribution.


I run and build it in an environment I made up for my local
machine and the scripts rely on other scripts to make sense.
However, building it is really just one compile and link as everything
is a header library.  A g++ command that works locally
is included in toobib.h . The required headers are scatter in other
projects  and much of it is going into a header library I use from
classes developed for other works.  Its obviously designed for 
linux but you may be able to get it to work on widohs with
somehing like cygwin. 

If you do get it to build, run it in a sandbox as it writes a lot of
temporary files into the  working directory. There are a lot of hardcoded
names specific to me. 

Again though if anyone has interest I could make it available through 
automated email or maybe run it in a server mode if I can find
some place to host it. 

There is a file containing all the known  "guesses" for specific
regex matches in the url; as well as a set of generic "handlers" that
are probably better called "guessers" as they are more speculative
for any specific url but captures common patterns.  Maybe these could
be loaded dynaically from shared objects but the build is so simple
it is just about as good to just rebuild. 
If I did it again from scratch I would change the names a lot lol. 

 Mike Marchywka 
44 Crosscreek Trail
Jasper GA 30143
was 306 Charles Cox Drive  Canton, GA 30115

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