KPathSea bindings for Java

Deyan Ginev deyan.ginev at
Sat Jul 20 23:49:16 CEST 2024

Hi Karl and Erik,

"jk" is very commonly used to abbreviate "joke" in the English speaking
world, and would be a rather unfortunate prefix.

I completely agree that a wrapper over kpathsea should include the original
library name fully, having created a "rust-kpathsea" myself.

How about just adding a "java-" prefix or "-java" sufix? Or if "4j" is
considered most javaesque, "kpathsea4j" should be fine as well.


On Sat, Jul 20, 2024 at 5:38 PM Karl Berry <karl at> wrote:

> Suppose someone (else) wanted to create a JNI interface for, say, TeX
> typesetting functionality. In theory I agree it would be ideal, from a
> software engineering point of view, if this ended up as a single project
> that included both the jkpathsea and the new typesetting stuff, but in
> practice, how likely is that? In my experience ... hardly at all. People
> always want to set up new projects in ways that they understand, they
> control, etc. The amount of duplicated code in the world (TeX and
> otherwise) because of this is ... staggering.
> Thus I don't think it would be bad for everything about this to be named
> "jkpathsea"? "tex4j" sounds to me exactly like some sort of Java
> implementation/library for all of TeX, and it isn't. Wdyt? --best, karl.
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