Printing chinese character in PDF file

okumura at okumura at
Mon Jul 22 01:03:32 CEST 2024

I use SourceHanSerif or SourceHanSans, e.g.


\verb|\symbol{"4E49}| appears as
{\fontspec{SourceHanSerif-Medium} \symbol{"4E49}}.


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Haruhiko Okumura

> 2024/07/22 0:52?Haines Brown via texhax <texhax at>????:
> I am working with a document in which a series of Chinese charaters is 
> pasted. Emacs has no problem with them. 
> I then lualatex construct from it a PDF file. Three of the characters 
> appear in it but not one (?, hex 4E49). The code \symbol{"4E49} 
> appears in the PDF as ?, whether the PDF is displayed with atril or 
> xpdf. Albatross tells me that the BabelStone Han font has the glyph, 
> but that does not help in this case.
> If one is prepareing a PDF for publication, how does one work around 
> this?
> -- 
>     Haines Brown

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