LaTeX and \l and generated pdf and suppressing chars

Ulrike Fischer news3 at
Thu Jun 20 11:28:51 CEST 2024

Am Thu, 20 Jun 2024 18:10:16 +0900 schrieb Norbert Preining:

>> /suppress seems not have a mapping in glyphtounicode.tex and so
>> copy&paste simply uses its "char number" 32 and so give a space, but
>> you could add a mapping with e.g. 
> But I do NOT get a space on copy/paste!!! If there were a space, it
> would copy/paste:
> 	W lodzimierz
> but it doesn't.

Well I do with Adobe reader on windows.  Copy&paste is a processor
feature, and the exact result depends on the viewer you use. They
all have some heuristic and their own ideas what should happen. 
E.g. I tried to map "suppress" to 200B, but adobe decided to give me
the space U+0020 anyway. And some reader acknowledge and use an
actualtext and other ignore it. 

>>> Just for completelyness, using T1 fontenc would elevate this problem, as
>>> using xelatex - but this is not up to what I can decide/do. 
>> But it would be the right action. If you care about correct
>> copy&paste and have things like Umlauts or \l in your document, OT1
> I am not talking about *my* LaTeX documents, but about arXiv's
> submissions, and there are LOTS and people do ALL kind of strange
> things, trust me.

Yes I know this. But you have to accept reality: the PDF has a flaw
and copy&paste won't work correctly. So how are you hoping to repair
that without changing the encoding?

Ulrike Fischer

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