EuroTeX 1988 proceedings

TeX: applications, uses, methods. Malcolm Clark, ed. Ellis Horwood Ltd., 1990. 277+pp, hardbound. ISBN 0-13-912296-6. Available from the TUG store.

Contents (a number of items are printed as abstracts only):

An introduction to TeX for new users Alan Hoenig
TeX and good design—are they compatible? Bill Noble & Rachel Ganz
Whither TeX? Why has TeX not taken over the world? Malcolm Clark & Cathy Booth
TeX device drivers today Lance Carnes
Quality printing of TeX DVI files Jan van Knippenberg
High quality DVI drivers Klaus Guntermann & Joachim Schrod
An environment for TeX-output with original Monotype fonts   Thomas Stadler & Tibor Tscheke
The Cambridge TeX-to-type service Rod Mulvey
LinoTeX: professional electronic publishing Gerlinde Petersen
The notation and structure of mathematical texts and their representation within electronic documentation systems Francis J Cave
TeX fonts in image generation software Jörg Winckler
Metafont versus PostScript Victor Ostromoukhov
Using menu-driven TeX under MVS Rainer Rupprecht
Type & Set: TeX as the engine of a friendly publishing system   Graham Asher
Sweet-teX, a report F R Drake, J Derrick & L Siebenmann
TeX in the mainframe world—the Durham experience Roger Gawley
UKTeX and the Aston archive Peter Abbott
Publishing ‘exotic’ documents with ExoTeX Peter J. Olivier
German TeX Hubert Partl
With TeX to the Poles Boguslaw Jackowski, Tomasz Holdys & Marek Ryćko
A survey of picture-drawing in LaTeX Sebastian P Q Rahtz
Including pictures in TeX Alois Heinz
PROTeX: integration of text, graphics, and images Susanne Lachmann
Line-oriented layout with TeX Alan Hoenig
Drawing trees nicely with TeX Anne Brüggemann-Klein & Derrick Wood
Electronic publishing and chemical text processing A C Norris & A L Oakley
Chemical structure formulae and x/y diagrams with TeX Michael Ramek
Nontraditional uses of Metafont Richard O Simpson

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