
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 13:1, April 1992

printing press

Accumulated lists across all of TUGboat: by author/people, by category/keyword, by title.

Complete issue 13:1 as one pdf (11mb) 
Front cover   c1 
Inside front cover   c2 
Title page   
Editorial information   
Addresses   3-4 
General Delivery
Prez says 
  Malcolm Clark 
President's introduction 
  Nelson Beebe 
Editorial comments 
  Barbara Beeton 
    Cathy Booth, a remembrance;     Sam Whidden, a remembrance;     Trip report: EuroTeX, GUTenberg'91;     256-character math fonts
Samuel B. Whidden, 1930–1991 
  Barbara Beeton 
Inside Type & Set 
  Graham Asher 
Computer Aided Hyphenation for Italian and Modern Latin 
  Claudio Beccari 
Invisibility using virtual fonts 
  Sebastian Rahtz 
Packing Metafonts into PS 
  Toby Thain 
Modern Greek with adjunct fonts 
  C. Mylonas, Ronald Whitney 
Comments on “Filenames for Fonts” (TUGboat 11#4) 
  Frank Mittelbach 
Output Devices
DVI driver standard, level 0 
  The TUG DVI Driver Standards Committee 
New books on TeX 
  Victor Eijkhout 
Resources   57-59 
New books on LaTeX 
  Nico Poppelier 
Just plain Q&A: Of partitioned matrices and doublespacing 
  Alan Hoenig 
Elementary text processing and parsing in TeX— the appreciation of tokens — 
  Laurent Siebenmann 
The bag of tricks 
  Victor Eijkhout 
Erratum: Oral TeX, TUGboat 12(2), pp. 272–276 
  Victor Eijkhout 
Some basic control macros for TeX 
  Jonathan Fine 
Self-replicating macros 
  Victor Eijkhout, Ron Sommeling 
A font and a style for typesetting chess using LaTeX or TeX 
  Piet Tutelaers 
Tower of Hanoi, revisited 
  Kees van der Laan 
The LaTeX column 
  Jackie Damrau 
Erratum: “See also” indexing with Makeindex, TUGboat 12(2), p. 290 
  Harold Thimbleby 
LaTeX 2.09 ↔ LaTeX3 
  Frank Mittelbach, Chris Rowley 
Cahiers GUTenberg #9 and #10–11   101-105 
News & Announcements
Calendar   106-107 
News & Announcements   106-108 
EuroTeX92, Prague, 14–18 September 1992   107-108 
Late-Breaking News
Production notes 
  Barbara Beeton 
Coming next issue   109 
TUG Business
Institutional members   110-111 
TUG membership application   112 
Advertisements   113-128 
Index of advertisers   126 
TeX consulting and production services   127 

TUGboat 13:1, April 1992 (issue 34)   [generated 2024-09-12]
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