
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 15:2, June 1994

printing press

Accumulated lists across all of TUGboat: by author/people, by category/keyword, by title.

Complete issue 15:2 as one pdf (6.3mb) 
Addresses   3-4 
General Delivery
Opening words 
  Christina Thiele 
Editorial comments 
  Barbara Beeton 
    “LaTeX2e” is now just “LaTeX”;     New CTAN features;     Northwest Computing Support Center closed;     TeX output in audible form
WEPT: A Week on Electronic Publishing and Typography 
  Michel Goossens 
Report of the 2nd meeting of the NTS group, February 1994 
  Philip Taylor 
MetaFont Forum redux 
  Alan Hoenig 
ASCII.sty: A new style-option and encoded font with IBM graphics control characters for use with TeX and LaTeX 
  R. Ramasubramanian, Richard Nickalls, M.A. Reed 
Book Reviews
Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach, and Alexander Samarin, The LaTeX Companion 
  David M. Jones, David E. Wald 
Norman Walsh, Making TeX Work 
  Victor Eijkhout 
Christian Rolland, LaTeX guide pratique 
  Jacques André 
Typesetting on Personal Computers
NextTeX: TeX plus the NextStep Operating System 
  Alan Hoenig 
Interaction tools: dialog.sty and menus.sty 
  Michael Downes 
LaTeX V3: Philology & typography, reports to read, reports to do 
  Bernard Gaulle 
Tough table becomes easy with PiCTeX, but it's even easier with LaTeX 
  Claudio Beccari 
On the review of TeX in Practice 
  Paul Anagnostopoulos 
Baskerville, Volume 4, Nos. 1–2   133-136 
Cahiers GUTenberg Nos. 16 and 17   136-137 
Die TeXnische Komödie 1993, Heft 1–4   138-142 
News & Announcements
Calendar   143-144 
TUG Business
Meet the Board, Part II   145-148 
Late-Breaking News
Production notes 
  Barbara Beeton 
Coming next issue   149 
Change in TUGboat policy 
  Barbara Beeton 
TUG Business
Institutional members   151-152 
TeX consulting and production services   152-153 
Index of advertisers   154 
TUG membership application   155-156 
News & Announcements
TUG'95—St. Petersburg, Florida   160 

TUGboat 15:2, June 1994 (issue 43)   [generated 2024-09-12]
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