
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 29:2, 2008

printing press

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Complete issue 29:2 as one pdf (5.3mb) 
Front cover   c1 
Inside front cover   c2 
Contents ordered by difficulty   c3 
Title page   229 
General Delivery
From the President 
  Karl Berry      [Introductory — TUG at the JMM; Google Summer of Code; interviews; The PracTeX Journal; conferences]
Editorial comments 
  Barbara Beeton      [Introductory — typography and TUGboat news]
    TeX 3.1415926 is here, and other Knuthian references;     Phyllis Winkler, RIP;     New domain name for CervanTeX;     Interactive typography courses by Jonathan Hoefler;     A helpful CTAN feature: “get”;     Recreating the Gutenberg press;     Copy-editing the wayward apostrophe;     A font game for your amusement
The TeX tuneup of 2008 
  Donald Knuth      [Advanced — the 2008 updates to TeX, Metafont, Computer Modern, et al.]
Hyphenation exception log 
  Barbara Beeton 
Typographers' Inn 
  Peter Flynn      [Introductory — Metafont fonts; Type 1 (PostScript) fonts; new forum, old forum; 2008 TUG meeting in Cork]
The Greek Font Society 
  Vassilios Tsagkalos      [Introductory — background, goals, and accomplishments of the GFS; interview with Georgios Matthiopoulos, type designer]
Designing and producing a reference book with LaTeX: The Engineer's Quick Reference Handbook 
  Claudio Beccari, Andrea Guadagni      [Intermediate — issues in designing a reference book for screen and print publication]
Suggestions on how not to mishandle mathematical formulæ 
  Massimo Guiggiani, Lapo Mori      [Intermediate — best practices for composing math, especially for non-mathematicians]
Electronic Documents
Wikipublisher: A Web-based system to make online and print versions of the same content 
  John Rankin      [Intermediate — a free software system for creating high-quality printed documents from PmWiki markup]
Character encoding 
  Victor Eijkhout      [Intermediate — introduction to character encodings, emphasizing Unicode and UTF-8]
lxfonts: LaTeX slide fonts revived 
  Claudio Beccari      [Intermediate — a greatly revised and expanded sans serif font collection for presentations]
Reshaping Euler: A collaboration with Hermann Zapf 
  Hans Hagen, Taco Hoekwater, Volker R.W. Schaa      [Introductory — illustrated report of updating the Euler math font]
Software & Tools
Asymptote: A vector graphics language 
  John Bowman, Andy Hammerlindl      [Intermediate — discussion of this powerful graphics program, with extensive comparisons to MetaPost]
The Luafication of TeX and ConTeXt 
  Hans Hagen      [Intermediate Plus — progress report on the LuaTeX implementation and its use in ConTeXt]
Porting TeX Live to OpenBSD 
  Edward Barrett      [Introductory — history, process, and fruition of porting TeX Live to a system distribution]
Good things come in little packages: An introduction to writing .ins and .dtx files 
  Scott Pakin      [Intermediate Plus — a tutorial on creating LaTeX package files]
ConTeXt basics for users: Indentation 
  Aditya Mahajan      [Introductory — overview of controlling paragraph indentation in ConTeXt]
Multilingual MetaPost
Kanji-Sudokus: Integrating Chinese and graphics 
  Denis Roegel      [Intermediate — using the CJK package and MetaPost to produce Sudoku grids]
Hints & Tricks
Interesting loops and iterations—second helping 
  Paweł Jackowski      [Advanced — review of loop definitions from the original to fully expandable ones via ε-TeX]
Glisterings: More on paragraphs regular; LaTeX's defining triumvirate; TeX's dictator 
  Peter Wilson 
The treasure chest 
  Karl Berry      [Intermediate — selected new CTAN packages from July 2007 through May 2008]
Book Reviews
Book review: Fonts & Encodings by Yannis Haralambous 
  Ulrik Vieth      [Introductory — review of this multi-faceted book which is now available in English]
Software review: TeXCAD for Windows 
  Bernd Schroeder      [Introductory — review of this GUI program for the LaTeX picture environment]
\looseness on the loose 
  Frank Mittelbach      [Intermediate Plus — altered line breaks even when \looseness has no effect of its own]
MAPS: Contents of issues 35 (2007)   335 
Die TeXnische Komödie: Contents of issues 2007/2–2008/1   336 
Eutypon: Contents of issues 16–20 (2007–2008)   337 
ArsTeXnica: Contents of issue 4 (2007)   338 
The PracTeX Journal: Contents of issues 2007-3–2008-1   339 
TUG Business
TUG financial statements for 2007 
  David Walden 
Institutional members   344 
TUG membership form   345 
Calendar   346 
TUG 2008 announcement   347 
TeX consulting and production services   348 

TUGboat 29:2, 2008 (issue 92)   [generated 2024-09-12]
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