[tex-live] Is tlmgr 2008 now completely unusable?
Norbert Preining
preining at logic.at
Wed Dec 2 15:52:00 CET 2009
On Mi, 02 Dez 2009, B Wooster wrote:
> 1) tlmgr should report a better error message other than "location
> unusable" - which sounds like all one needs to do is to fix the
And how should that be detected? If a user starts tlmgr with
tlmgr --repository http://www.microsoft.com/get-tl-from-ms/
how should we know that this was a valid address?
> location - but a better message would have been "2008 is now obsolete,
> no updates are available. Please install the current latest texlive
> for updates".
If a valid texlive.tlpdb is found in the respective site, the tlmgr
from 2009 already breaks off if the versions disagree with:
The release version of the installation source and the
installation media do not agree: source: ....., media: .....
Please fix your location ......
Again, we cannot be sure what is the correct one! Think about a third
party repository (and they *do* exist) which declares 2008 as repository
replease, after the switch to 2010 an old one.
> 2) http://www.tug.org/texlive/tlmgr.html should say which version it
> refers too and also state when old versions are obsoleted. Certainly
Always the latest released version, please go to
and you will see which version we are talking about.
Actually, the good poiint of this discussion is that I checked the code
of tlmgr and was thinking about the 2009->2010 update and how it
can be handled, and I need some more coding ;-)
Best wishes
Dr. Norbert Preining Associate Professor
JAIST Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology preining at jaist.ac.jp
Vienna University of Technology preining at logic.at
Debian Developer (Debian TeX Task Force) preining at debian.org
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