The TeX Family in 2009 in AMS Notices

TeX lion with descendants

The article The TeX Family in 2009 appeared in the March 2009 issue of the American Mathematical Society's Notices. This page contains links to things referenced in that article, as well as some additional pointers that you may find useful. Other TeX-related publications.

Before reading on, please note that the best way to get TeX software is through a full distribution, a bundling of the materials for your computer; see below. If you have a recent distribution then it has a package manager, which supports download and installation with point and click. For example, both of the free distributions TeX Live and MiKTeX have package managers.

Links from the article

These things were discussed in the article (things mentioned only briefly are linked to below).

How you can help

TeX is free software, and exists for and because of its users. Please don't hesitate to come forward.

One way is to contribute software or documentation, if you have the skills. For instance, you may notice a job that needs doing when you look for something for your own work and cannot find it;—perhaps you are writing a paper for a conference and have worked out a LaTeX style file. If you do this, please don't stop at putting it on your web page. Take one more small but very important step and contribute it to the community's archive where it will not disappear or move its web location when you get a new provider. Furthermore, TeX Live and MiKTeX use CTAN as the reference source.

Another way that anyone can help is to join a user group. Most groups have a publication and regular meetings. Most also sponsor development of the software, so simply by joining or having your organization join you are making a significant contribution.

Additional things mentioned in the article

Some things were mentioned in the article but not featured. For your convenience, they are listed here.

TeX source of the article

The article's LaTeX source is here. It is released under the GNU GPL license: you can do with it as you wish under those terms, including the graphic. (The article as printed in Notices uses the Lucida fonts. The source here has been modified to use Computer Modern.)

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