TeX Development Fund - Donors

The TeX Development Fund is made possible by major continuing support from the TeX Users Group, and by extremely generous donations from more than 200 individuals. The contributors for approximately the last year, as of April 2005, are listed below. Thank you, everyone, we are most appreciative.

Karl Berry and Kaja Christiansen
TeX Development Fund Committee members

If you would like to donate to the development fund, thank you in advance! More information on participation is also available.

TeX Users Group  
Aguilar Perez, Adolfo 
Andersen, Erling D. 
Aoki, Yoshihiro 
Bailey, Dave 
Bastnagel, Charlie 
Berry, Karl 
Boes, Claude 
Brooke, Thomas C 
Burrows, Robert 
Burton, Thomas E. 
CAPDM Limited
Chase, David 
Chou, Pai 
Chéniot, Denis 
Conrad, Eric 
Degiorgi, Daniele 
Diamantaras, Dimitrios
Fehd, Ronald 
Frampton, John 
Furman, Itay 
Goncalves, Luis Nobre 
Groer, Peter G. 
Hamilton, Eric 
Haskins, Dereck 
Hess, Roger A 
Jaya, Iwan Taruna 
Klein, S J 
Koch, Karl-Josef 
Koch, Richard 
Komatsu, Hiroaki 
Lynall, Ian 
Manlleu, Josep Grane 
Mendelssohn, Roy 
Meyer, Michael 
Mogi, Yasuhide 
Ohkami, Takahide 
Olken, Frank 
Orfanidis, SJ 
Papathanakos, Vassilios 
Patterson, Donald 
Pegg, Ed 
Peretz, Yakov 
Popham, Tim 
Reed, Arthur M 
Roncalli, Fabio Tinelli 
Rosenfeld, Henri 
Rudd, Greg 
Satteson, Michael 
Senften, Daniel 
Sienkiewicz, Meta 
Spyros, Spyros 
Tamayo, Alehandro Malo 
Thompson, Paul 
Tsumoto, Shusaku 
Vidyadharan, Rakesh 
Vikhlinin, Alexey 
Vosbeek, P H J 
Wetmore, Alan 
Yamaguchi, Hal 
Zara, Francois 
van Leeuwen, Marc A. A. 

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