
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 21:3, September 2000

printing press

Accumulated lists across all of TUGboat: by author/people, by category/keyword, by title.

TUG 2000 Proceedings (Oxford)

Complete issue 21:3 as one pdf (5.2mb) 
Cover   c1 
Inside front cover   c2 
Blue Sky Research   c3 
News & Announcements
TUG 2001 Announcement   154 
Editorial Comments—TUG 2000 
  Robin Fairbairns 
TUG 2000 Program   157-158 
The description language chosen for FDNTeX 
  Benjamin Bayart 
Unicode and math, a combination whose time has come—Finally! 
  Barbara Beeton 
Some experience in converting LH Fonts from Metafont to Type 1 format [Abstract] 
  Alexander Berdnikov, Yury Yarmola, Olga Lapko, Andrew Janishewsky 
Typesetting TeX documents containing computer code 
  Włodzimierz Bzyl 
xmltex: A non validating (and not 100% conforming) namespace aware XML parser implemented in TeX 
  David Carlisle 
Developing interactive, Web-based courseware [Abstract] 
  Donald DeLand 
The amsrefs LaTeX package and the amsxport BibTeX style 
  Michael Downes 
Line breaking and page breaking 
  Jonathan Fine 
PassiveTeX: from XML to PDF 
  Michel Goossens, Sebastian Rahtz 
Fast scanners and self-parsing in TeX 
  Pedro Palao Gostanza 
A device-independent DVI interpreter library for various output devices 
  Hirotsugu Kakugawa 
“Russian style” with LaTeX and babel: What does it look like and how does it work [Abstract] 
  M. Y. Kolodin, O. V. Eterevksy, Olga Lapko, I.A. Makhovaya 
Mixing TeX & PostScript: The GeX model 
  A. Kostin, Michael Vulis 
The AsTeX Assistant and Navigator [Abstract] 
  Michel Lavaud 
LaTeX and the personal database 
  Bernice Sacks Lipkin 
Formatting documents with floats: A new algorithm for LaTeX2e 
  Frank Mittelbach 
The Penrose notation: a LaTeX challenge [Abstract] 
  Timothy Murphy 
A Perl port of the mathsPIC graphics package 
  Apostolos Syropoulos, Richard Nickalls 
Chess macros for chess games and puzzles 
  Marina Yu. Nikulina, Alexander Berdnikov 
Omega version 2 [Abstract] 
  John Plaice 
The NTS project: From conception to birth [Abstract] 
  Philip Taylor, Jiří Zlatuška 
News & Announcements
Miscellaneous photos   305 
Calendar   306-307 
TUG Business
Institutional members   307 
TUG 2000 Attendees   308-309 
TUG membership application   310 
TeX consulting and production services   311 
IBM techexplorer   312 

TUGboat 21:3, September 2000 (issue 68)   [generated 2024-09-12]
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