TUG Store

The TeX Users Group has the following items available for sale. You need not be a TUG member to purchase these items, but current members get a 10% discount. (You can become a member of TUG via a separate form.) Proceeds from sales of these items go towards sustaining and developing TeX and related projects. All purchases and memberships are greatly appreciated!

All prices are in US dollars (approximate currency conversions). These are the full list prices; any member discount will be computed after you submit this form.

Shipping and handling: we usually charge $4 for shipping of DVDs and $8 for journal issues, anywhere in the world. We generally absorb any additional shipping costs; however, if shipping will be more than 30% of the total order, we will ask you for approval and reimbursement.

Other items we offer, ordered through separate pages:

The TUG books page also provides links to a variety of books by other publishers, as well as discount information on books and bookplates.

If you have any questions about TUG store items, or prefer to order by phone or fax, please contact the TUG office.

After entering your desired quantities below, click this button (or the one at the bottom of the page). You'll have a chance to review your order.

If you are a current TUG member, check here:
(To get the member discount.)

Jump to section:


As of 2024, TUG is facilitating the burning of TeX software DVDs by volunteers, rather than doing a bulk mailing to all members. Info and request form.

TUG does have older editions of TeX Live, CTAN, and 4AllTeX CDs/DVDs. If you're interested in these for historical reasons (they should not be used for new documents), contact the office.

Two other software-related items: Lucida fonts are available through TUG; and discounts on WinEdt licenses are available to TUG members.

TUGboat and other publications

Printing Press TUGboat is the journal of the TeX Users Group; more information, and electronic versions of many articles, are available from the TUGboat home page.

You can purchase any book published by Addison-Wesley (or other Pearson imprint: New Riders, Prentice-Hall, etc.) at a 30% discount via our books page. Discounts from other publishers are available to TUG members.

Each TUGboat issue is $5 list (thus, $4.50 to TUG members). A few issues are only available as photocopies, not in their original bound form. (If you want to know which you'll get before ordering a given issue, contact the TUG office.)

2024: 45:2 TUG'24 45:1
2023: 44:3 44:2 TUG'23 44:1
2022: 43:3 43:2 TUG'22 43:1
2021: 42:3 42:2 TUG'21 42:1
2020: 41:3 41:2 TUG'20 41:1
2019: 40:3 40:2 TUG'19 40:1
2018: 39:3 39:2 TUG'18 39:1
2017: 38:3 38:2 TUG'17 38:1
2016: 37:3 37:2 TUG'16 37:1
2015: 36:3 36:2 TUG'15 36:1
2014: 35:3 35:2 TUG'14 35:1
2013: 34:3 TUG'13 34:2 34:1
2012: 33:3 33:2 TUG'12 33:1
2011: 32:3 TUG'11 32:2 32:1 TUB#100
2010: 31:3 31:2 TUG'10 31:1
2009: 30:3 30:2 TUG'09 30:1
2008: 29:3 TUG'08 29:2 29:1 EuroTeX'07
2007: 28:1 PracTeX'06 28:2 28:3 TUG'07
2006: 27:2 TUG'06 27:1 EuroTeX'06 EuroTeX'05
2005: 26:3 26:2 TUG'05 26:1 PracTeX'05 et al.
2004: 25:2 2004.2 25:1 PracTeX'04 TUG'04 preprints
2003: 24:3 EuroTeX'03 24:2 2003.2 24:1 TUG'03
2002: 23:3-4 2002.3 23:2 Formatting Info. 23:1 TUG'02
2001: 22:4 December 22:3 September 22:1-2 March
2000: 21:4 December 21:3 September 21:2 June 21:1 March
1999: 20:4 December 20:3 September 20:2 June 20:1 March
1998: 19:4 December 19:3 September 19:2 June 19:1 March
1997: 18:4 December 18:3 September 18:2 June 18:1 March
1996: 17:4 December 17:3 September 17:2 June 17:1 March
1995: 16:4 December 16:3 September 16:2 June 16:1 March
1994: 15:4 December 15:3 September 15:2 June 15:1 March
1993: 14:4 December 14:3 October 14:2 July 14:1 April
1992: 13:4 December 13:3 October 13:2 July 13:1 April
1991: 12:3-4 December 12:2 June 12:1 March
1990: 11:4 November 11:3 September 11:2 June 11:1 April
1989: 10:4 December 10:3 November 10:2 July 10:1 April
1988: 9:3 December 9:2 August 9:1 April
1987: 8:3 November 8:2 July 8:1 April
1986: 7:3 October 7:2 June 7:1 March
1985: 6:3 November 6:2 July 6:1 March
1984: 5:2 November 5:1 May
1983: 4:2 September 4:1 April
1982: 3:2 October 3:1 March
1981: 2:3 November 2:2 July 2:1 February
1980: 1:1 October


Finally, if you'd like to make a monetary donation to TUG, we thank you very much. Donations generally qualify for the income tax charitable deduction in the United States, and perhaps in other countries. (More details on TUG's tax-exempt charitable status.)

$   General TUG contribution
$   TUG Bursary Fund contribution (financial assistance for attending the annual meeting)
$   CTAN contribution
$   TeX Development Fund contribution (financial assistance for TeXnical projects)
$   GUST e-foundry fonts contribution
$   LaTeX Project contribution
$   LuaTeX contribution
$   LyX contribution
$   MacTeX contribution
$   PDF Accessibility Fund contribution

Enter desired quantities above before clicking the submit button. See paragraph at top for shipping policy.

$Date: 2024/09/12 22:36:04 $; TUG home page; join TUG/renew membership; webmaster; facebook; x; mastodon.